Friday, May 23, 2008

NYS Public Service Commission Letter by Jim Sawicki

To New York State PSC

Please keep up your good and vigilant work protecting NY state taxpayers and ratepayers. More pointed, keep up the good fight against Iberdrola. Too many people, including Senator Schumer and CEO Dennis Mullen of Greater Rochester Enterprise, are the myopic-viewed folks concerning Iberdrola. Mullen was quoted in today's Rochester Democrat & Chronicle concerning his appearance of the PSC dragging its feet saying "What does that say? It flies in the face of free enterprise". Am I the only one that thinks his comments are either ignorant or he already has conflicts of interest? Free enterprise? If it were truly free enterprise, then let us take away all the tax and energy credits and subsidies and see where "free" enterprise develops.

Wind power on an industrial scale is not efficient and does not provide any of the corporate/commercial/industrial companies' claimed benefits.

Please, on behalf of all NY taxpayers and ratepayers, hold your strong and tough stance against Iberdrola. Do not succumb to the flawed rhetoric trying to influence you otherwise. Just because Iberdrola has received approval by the federal government and four other states that Energy East serves, does not make it right! Who in their right mind living in America would want a foreign company controlling their electricity generation and distribution?

Iberdrola's director for corporate development, Pedro Azagra, is quoted in today's newspaper article saying his stance on wind farms hasn't changed. He says, "We want to invest in NY, and our key interest in NY is (wind turbines)". He goes on to say, "Wind power is not competitive generation because there is no guarantee the wind will blow". What? Even a company official, from the largest wind developer in the world is quoted that there is no guarantee the wind will blow!!!! That sure says volumes why corporate/commercial/industrial wind companies should NOT be allowed to plunder NY state's natural beauty and pit neighbor against neighbor for excessive costs to taxpayers and ratepayers for unacceptable, unpredictable returns. We should all be focused on technologies and methods of conservation that WILL meet goals for sustainable, renewable energy production instead of this misguided view of commercial/industrial wind power as being our salvation.

Over twenty years of real data from around the world show that because of wind's unpredictable nature, wind power will not eliminate our dependence on coal, natural gas and nuclear powered plants. These sources for generating electricity must be available 24/7 to make up for wind's irregular patterns, so what is the benefit? (None.) How is this reducing CO2 emissions? (It is not.) In California, the Wind Industries' actual production was so dismal that they lobbied the CEC (California Energy Commission) to not reveal their production records. A California resident said, "They have scraped miles and miles of desert, obliterated our views, rendered adjacent property valueless and impacted us with noise and dust for this miniscule amount of useless energy".

Thank you for your time. Please, please, please keep up the good fight in looking out for the best interests of NY state residents. You are to be commended for holding tough against these corporate bullies and misguided politicians. I bet there will come a day when the federal government and the other four states wish they had followed your lead. Please, do not follow theirs.

Jim Sawicki

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