Monday, October 08, 2007

Bonnie Palmiter response to Marlyn Bacon


First I would like to respond with most that you say are against windmills are against Town Governments allowing foreign companies coming in and taking over our prestine countrysides without following their own laws and permitting laws.

Most live in the country and certainly own more than an acre of land, along with living in the country we have other means of acquiring our own electricity if the power goes out. We have made ourselves self sufficient living in the country, and not all depend on others to take care of them when power goes out.

It is the towns people that aren't affected by the windturbines, not windmills as you state, that are the ones that call for electricy the minute they lose it.

Research if done by you and not through wind developers would know that windturbines do not eliminate our dependence on oil or other fuels. When your electric bills go up, which it will and your taxes go up, which they will I'm sure you will be the first complain. Nothing in this life is free you pay and you pay dearly. Not just through money but also through prestine country sides, as you know from Three Mile Island Atomic Power Plant you live by.

When we sell our country out to foreign investors and developers they then start owning our electricity, when they decide to pull the plug so to speak on our electric grid then will you think windturbines are a great thing? I fear not, educate yourself through the errors that other countries and our own states have come across instead of listening to foreign developers.

Progress is work in motion and through past mistakes, and those mistakes get altered through developers, I certainly don't know that this is the way to go, like you state it as a fact. It's peoples thinking like yours that have a problem with educating yourself on the full facts out there that what to dictate what we as landowners who chose to live out in the hills and country are suppose to live with. Groups like ours, not handfuls of people like you think, are educating the people to look at all there is out there to show that windturbines are not the way to go. You, pro-wind are the ones dictating what we landowners out in the country are suppose to live with.

Bonnie Palmiter

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