Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Iberdrola promise is not promising

The "promise" to invest billions of dollars in industrial wind development is exactly why we do not want Iberdrola in New York. Isn't the purpose of investing in renewable energy to reduce fossil fuel use and emissions? Big wind does nothing to meet those goals. Politicians are basing their support for wind on biased advertising and lobbying efforts rather than solid science and evidence.

Our power grid operates by providing a steady supply of electricity matched to consumer demand. Because wind is intermittent, variable and unpredictable, regular power plants equal to wind capacity must operate on standby, ready to balance the variations of wind. They burn fuel and produce emissions in this mode, but the electricity they would otherwise produce is wasted. How does this help the environment or the economy?

Billions in tax write-offs and subsidies for wind projects total more than developers get for selling the small amount of electricity that turbines produce. Supporting this ineffective industry posing as the "green" answer is a great disservice to the American public.


The writer is a member of Citizen Power Alliance.

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