Friday, November 09, 2007

Wind Developers Fraud - Easements for Transmission Lines

It has come to our attention that when landowners are being pushed to sign easements they are told that if the company can't get the easements to go underground, then they will put up overhead lines.

Of course overhead lines will be an eyesore and people don't want them. But the reality is that not only has the town stipulated that the lines be underground, but the PSC has made a point of saying they should be underground. But over and above that, even if the town should change its mind, the wind companies can't just put up overhead lines because they will still need easements. Overhead lines will utilize NYSEG easements and NYSEG does not have wide enough easements to accommodate the 34.5 kv lines the wind companies need.

After looking at some of the maps it is clear that UPC still has to convince quite a few landowners to change their minds in order to get cables from its turbines to its substation. Hagner is similarly blocked, but he appears to be in a better position because there's not as much blocking him. However, at this point neither company can connect.

So please continue to talk to your neighbors about these easements. UPC and certain town employees are doing what they can to imply to landowners that since the town is giving permission for easements that it's just a formality for the landowners to sign. THIS ISN'T TRUE.

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