These are amateur videos.
This one shows how many people came : 1000 said the police, 1500 said the organizers, 2000 say some. Anyway, quite a few quixotes who travelled to Paris for the occasion:
This one is not as complete:
These are snapshots:http://www.environn ementdurable. net/documents/ html/diapo- temp1.htm
As you know, the media boycotted us. But our delegation was received by the government and some promises were made.
At the end of the highly-mediatized consultation on France's environmental and energetic policy, Sarkozy made a speech in which we were pleased to find these remarks : wind turbines are not very pretty, and they should be placed in brown zones first. Ecologist Nicolas Hulot, who was present with Al Gore, later said more or less the same thing.
Not sure if we should trust our "Sarko". But at least our demonstration was noticed by the government, if not by the people of France ( no media coverage, by last minute decision : their camera teams had been there with us taking footage ).
So it was successful, somewhat, on that score.
Its greatest achievement, though, was that it pulled together so many French quixotes. As a result of it, we now have a better organized movement, with a national forum and 20 or more regional forums : http://forum. environnementdur able.net
About 90 people have subscribed already.
This is real progress.
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