Sunday, September 13, 2009

Under Attack by Wind Companies and Ontario Government

I am a small rural landowner north of you in the Madawaska Valley and we have been literally “under attack” by the wind companies and our very own Ontario government for well into two years now by having our small communities designated as potential wind farm hosts.

We went through the “public consultation” that you have just experienced and like yourselves could not get any answers for our questions and no replies to written requests afterwards. Fellow landowners were approached to lease their land to these developers and offered cash money to sign leases that would make one wonder if there was such a thing as honesty left in today’s society. These landowners are now obliged to allow these wind companies to use their land for a minimum of 20 years with an option for the companies to force another 20 year lease and on top of that another 20 year lease and another totaling 80 years of use without getting out of it. In addition the landowners would be forced by a gag order never to talk publicly about it.

Needless to say our small towns are now split with brother against brother and neighbour against neighbour.

My advise to anyone considering signing a lease with one of these companies is to take the easy way out! Just sell your land before any wind farm is built and move away. You’ll get much more money for it on the market and you won’t get sick when the blades start to turn and you won’t have your land devalued to the point that only the wind company will want it at a price much below market levels.

A better idea! Tell the wind company to “hit the road!”

Renfrew County

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