Thursday, February 28, 2008

U.S. Senate February 29, 2008 Letter by James Hall

February 29, 2008

United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

RE: Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Tax Act

Dear Senator:

Cohocton Wind Watch fundamentally opposes federal and state subsidies for industrial wind development. The purpose of this letter is to urge that the Senate reject the Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Tax Act.

Once again the House of Representatives has passed legislation that will extend tax credits and incentives to the industrial wind industry. This bill extends the production tax credit, now 2 cents a kilowatt hour, for wind for three years. The legislation would also channel $2 billion into clean renewable energy bonds that could be used to finance industrial wind projects.

This kind of misuse of federal tax authority will only facilitate the rapid destruction of the rural American landscape, while causing the cost of electric generation to skyrocket. Consumers will see their electric bills escalate out of control, while foreign LLC developers extend their bogus energy fraud scheme upon the nation.

Industrial wind turbine technology is ill suited to be part of any meaningful energy generation and actually poses a serious risk to the electric grid system. When will federal elected officials examine the history and facts about this industry replete with deception and harmful violations to the environment?

Any portion of the $17 billion in tax credits and other incentives within this bill must not include industrial wind generation. Alternative energy technology must be reliable, sustainable and cost effective. Industrial wind generation fails on meeting this standard.

The Senate needs to stand firm and vote down any House legislation that rewards a predatory industry. Federal representatives should be demanding a full scale criminal investigation into the anti-trust business practices and the corrupt conduct of dishonest developers. A national scandal is in the making and anyone supporting these plots to loot the national treasury, while selling non existent REC credits, will pay a heavy price.

CWW represents the sentiments of dozens of rational citizen environmental groups across many states and regions of America. The public refuses to be sold a bill of goods. Yet the House continues to do the bidding of wind lobbyists and ex Enron executives more interested in tax subsidies than generating useful electricity.

Once again it is up to the Senate to spurn the misuse of public funds that rewards an illicit industry. The propaganda of plunder from the wind industry needs to be blown off.


James Hall for CWW

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