Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Letter to the Editor by Carl M. Wahlstrom

Behind the closed doors of SCIDA wind developers and their attorneys have been working on a PILOT (payment in lieu of taxes) scheme to give away your money. SCIDA has passed a PILOT that is prepared to charge about $750-$1000 in the first year on a turbine with an estimated valued of $2 -$3 million dollars. So instead of collecting $50,000+ per turbine (at the rates that you and I have to pay in Prattsburgh) SCIDA thinks that the handful of permanent jobs and the increase in our electric costs are worth this huge tax give away. So instead of contributing millions to support our communities, the developers get to take those millions in increased profits.

While local businesses are paying county taxes on business equipment purchases, it seems SCIDA is allowing wind developers to avoid those taxes as well.

At a recent meeting on the proposed PILOT in Prattsburgh (held mid week at 10am) interested residents were surprised to see that not one voting member of the SCIDA board was in attendance. Although the stated objective of the meeting was a public hearing on the PILOT, the PILOT was not available for review and when Mr. Sherron was asked if there would be a public review when the pilot was complete, his answer was “no”. It appears premature for a PILOT to be negotiated without clear completion of SEQR since transmission routes have not yet been established. SCIDA, as lead agent, is prepared to forgo public comment on the finalized project.

At the same time as properties adjacent to these turbines are decreasing in value your taxes will be increasing to make up the difference. When looking at your tax bill, be comforted in the knowledge that significant contributions should be made by wind developers, but thanks to SCIDA you will pick up the check.

These developers should pay full taxes. All jobs should be given to local workers and businesses unless the developer can prove that there are not able bodied local workers or businesses able to do the jobs.

Since you cannot fire these SCIDA board members since they are appointed by the legislators, make sure you fire the legislators who have allowed them to INCREASE YOUR TAXES by allowing rich, foreign wind developers to avoid paying their fair share in taxes.

Carl M. Wahlstrom
Prattsburgh, New York

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