Sunday, March 18, 2007

James Hall letter to NYS Governor Eliot Spitzer - March 18, 2007

March 18, 2007

Eliot Spitzer
State Capitol
Albany, NY 12224

RE: Senator James Alesi’s call for 18 month moratorium on industrial wind turbines in NYS

Governor Spitzer,

Now is the time to demonstrate bi-partisan leadership. Cohocton Wind Watch and a statewide alliance of citizen groups ardently urge you to implement the enactment of an indefinite moratorium on industrial wind turbines in NYS. The body of empirical evidence that has developed over the last several years proves that public safety risks from industrial wind turbines places New York state residents in severe danger.

Wind turbine LLC’s have abandoned all pretense of responsible development. Regulatory agencies have not fulfilled their responsibility for meaningful oversight. Ignored is the tragic experience of Europe from years of dangerous siting of projects adjacent to residential properties. The rezoning amendments that are being passed by corrupt local town governments demonstrates that wind developers can buy the best laws that their lawyers can draft.

Your professional career as attorney general was based upon protecting citizens from abuses of unethical cronyism and illicit economic conduct. Now as Governor of the great state of New York, you have the power to put a stop to the fraud that masquerades as productive alternative energy. Upstate and Western New York is being assaulted by destructive projects that will drain the public treasury while imposing a death sentence upon the communities that are being forced to host the latest Enron scam.

Surely your staff has researched that these foreign companies operate a scheme to defraud local communities! Such a hoax could not exist unless government provides political cover to push through and ignore prudent regulatory standards. The pattern of deceit is obvious and the selective benefactors of state subsidies and obscene tax treatments are being protected by dishonest politicians, furthering the financial interests of faceless LLC’s.

We seek a meeting with your staff to discuss your support for the kind of all-inclusive moratorium on all current and future wind projects that Senator Alesi proposed. NYS needs to formulate a comprehensive and balanced public policy for alternative energy generation. We appeal to you to get out front on this statewide issue and signal your leadership by putting a halt to ill-conceived wind project.

Appreciate your written reply with an approved appointment date to meet with several groups committed to the protection of our environment and property rights of local residents.


James Hall – Cohocton Wind Watch

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