Tuesday, August 01, 2006

NO Proof Given, Just A Selected Panel of YES! And The King of Cohocton by Karl Palmiter

In an article in the Tribune, Cohocton Yes! Offers proof. I have to respond by asking the question, What Proof? Cohocton Town King merely invited some like-minded kings from other townships to parrot what the wind developer has told them. Everyone knows it’s about money for the leaseholders and developers, that’s never been the argument. The argument is about destroying the landscape for 400-500’ industrial machines, that don’t belong in agriculturally zones land. The argument is about destroying the lives of a lot of people that love the country and are going to have to live in their shadows.

At the Yes! Forum, you were told to write questions on an index card and give them to Yes! They went through the questions with other members of Yes! Saying they were categorizing them, more like hand picking the questions that were asked to the panel of people. The questions asked to panel were questions that everyone has already asked, such as ice throws, bird kills, and noise. These questions were answered predictably; they proved that they have read UPC’s Literature. One question that was asked was about fatalities, the Tug Hill Supervisor thought that question was amusing, he said they had one fatality, but that was because a construction worker got run over by a truck, but heck that happens on any construction job. This brought chuckles from some of the crowd also; I guess GREED does outweigh Compassion. I find no amusement in a fatality of any kind.

Haste makes waste. Town Boards are in a stampede to get wind power. The King of Cohocton, as he refers to himself, claims that the wind farm opponents are like Chicken Little; in fact he has drawn several cartoons for the Valley News, depicting this. Actually UPC, Yes Wind! And our Town Board is the Chicken Little that use what amounts to psychological terrorism to sway public opinions in their favor. They would have you believe that if we don’t get these wind turbines up NOW! We’ll have a nuclear power station built right here in town.

The fact of the matter is clear; once they start putting these turbines up, and because they won’t do what the developers are saying they will, they won’t come down they will simply put up more to make up the difference.

Yes wind! And the developers say that THOSE people that oppose the wind projects can’t see the forest because of the trees. Well once again they’re wrong. We love the forest and trees and everything Natural about our environment and are fighting to keep money hungry people from replacing those trees with 4-500’ Industrial Turbines.

Alternative power, Safe Clean Power, doesn’t necessarily mean wind power. Why not just slow down a little and check out some other less intrusive options. I believe this energy crisis will bring out some good, more efficient ways, possibly solar power, but not if we have already committed ourselves to the First thing that has come along-wind!

Karl Palmiter
Wagner Gully Rd.
Cohocton, NY 14826

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