Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Cohocton Councilman Wayne Hunt letter to Attorney David Miller


August 18, 2006

David P. Miller, Esq.
111 North Main Street
Naples, NY 14512

Re: Your letter to Hon. Jack Zigenfus

Dear Sir:

I enclose a copy page that includes 3 caricatures that appeared in The Valley News, one of which you refer to in your letter, dated August 14, 2006. Please note that the other 2 appeared on 2 successive weeks before mine did.

I also point out to you that Mr. Hall had invited me to contact Empire State Wind Energy, LLC to explore an alternative to UPCs wind proposal. I made 2 separate calls to this agency. He further invited me to call him to arrange a meeting with him, if I were interested in his proposition. I am sure that he and I would be fast friends today had I made that call.

My reply to him and his subversive scheme and to you and your suggestion that I am unfit to represent my constituents in wind power decisions can be summed up in the reply that a famous hero in American history used when asked to surrender his position to his adversary; NUTS!

Sincerely yours,
In Good Local Government
Wayne R. Hunt

Encl: 1
cc: Jim Hall
Jack Zigenfus

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