Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Cape Vincent citizens stage an anti-wind "Agreement".

Last night, citizens who are opposed to any industrial wind development in the Golden Crescent and Thousand Island region, took it to the streets and staged a public agreement.

The peaceful mob of people, who agree with their local public officials, spent the afternoon marching around the Cape Vincent British Petroleum office, carrying signs that said things like "Bp Go Home" and "Home Rule Rules".

Then, after spending the time near the British Petroleum's downtown Cape Vincent office, the agreeing citizens went to Cape Vincent's Recreation Park where they assembled to greet British Petroleum's Richard Chandler, their community organizer and their local lease holders, all of whom are attempting to break the laws of the Towns of Lyme and Cape Vincent by shoving 124 wind turbines down our pie holes.

Chandler showed the public officials a map of his local law-breaking project and presented a power point presentation that was not big enough for anyone to see. During his presentation, Chandler claimed that he had overwhelming community support for what he and British Petroleum intended to do. Every man and every woman representing our community as public servants then told Mr. Chandler that he did not have overwhelming public support for his project. The last time I saw Chandler, he was telling the press the same prevarication.

Read the entire article

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