Thursday, October 09, 2008

Public needs to be active in wind energy issue

It appears that we have a bit of a problem in this country. We elect people to represent us, and then they ignore that fact and proceed to do as they like. What is even worse, we re-elect them.

I read somewhere that the definition of stupidity is "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

A few years ago, our government needed an energy policy. Whom did they go to for the best information? The oil companies and the power companies. How is that working out for you? Maybe we should appoint a Wall Street executive to oversee our banking industry. I guess this did not work so well either. We are repeating the same thing in relation to wind energy here in New York state.

Sen. Schumer lobbied hard for the Spanish-owned wind company Iberdrola to come in and buy out some energy companies here in New York. My guess is he, along with most elected officials, got their best wind information from the AWEA or the American Wind Energy Association. Do you believe the AWEA will give you both sides of the wind issues?

Washington politicians influence our state and local elected officials by their example, with deaf ears and no oversight. There are those who will look at issues and how it will affect all of us and some who will look at issues that will only promote their own agenda. However, when the public takes a stand, elected officials get nervous.

Many of our small towns are being sold a bill of goods from the wind company charlatans that are backed by information from the AWEA, which also supplies the U.S. Department Energy its information. The U.S. taxpayer will pay for this in tax subsidies.
This is why it is important for our citizens to attend informational presentations on wind being held throughout Jefferson, County.

Stephen Rutigliano

Three Mile Bay

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