Tuesday, September 02, 2008

PSC Iberdrola Energy East September 2, 2008 Letter by Robert H. Murray

September 2, 2008

New York Public Services Commission
Empire State Plaza
Agency Building 3
Albany, New York 12223-1350

RE: Iberdrola/Energy East acquisition

Dear Commissioners Brown, Acampora, Harris, and Curry:

Please exercise basic commons sense in the Iberdrola/Energy East acquisition and deny the request. Doing so will be of greatest benefit to the citizens of New York .

I met Judge Rafael Epstein on a snowy day last February and was impressed with his thoroughness and agree with the recommendations he made to the Commission regarding the Iberdrola/Energy East acquisition.

I urge ALL MEMBERS of the Commission to follow the recommendations Judge Epstein made in response to the charge he was given by the Commission to conduct hearings across our State and create recommendations based on the hearings. To not follow the judges recommendations disenfranchises all those who expressed their concerns about the acquisition.

As a nation and as New Yorkers we are trying to become independent of foreign interests. Granting Iberdrola both generating AND distribution defies common sense because creates, and virtually condones, numerous possibilities for future abuse.

My mother always said beware of people who say "trust me". I observe a lot implied "trust me" when it comes to wind power generation. Used judiciously, wind DOES have a place in the overall mix of meeting energy needs.

I have previously written the Commission with one example of the type of "short cut" one member of the wind industry tried to make, and if unopposed would have circumvented laws or policies on the books. I refer to a "rush to judgment" based on the promise of jobs, money and unsubstantiated claims for cleaning up our environment.

I urge the Commission to give VERY careful consideration to the consequences of creating a scenario which would take years, and MANY New Yorker dollars, to undo.


Robert H. Murray
Retired Applications Engineer, Rochester Institute of Technology
52 Manor Hill Drive
Fairport, NY 14450-2533
c. (585) 944-0392

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