Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Taxable Utility Value of the Wind Project within the Naples School District

Now under construction within the Town of Cohocton, UPC Project three Clipper C26 2.5 MW industrial turbines valued at $2,000,000 to $2,500,000 each plus additional underground electric connections and commercial utility access roads on the Douglas and Susan Schwingel Pine Hill Road, Cohocton, NY.

Represented by SCIDA that within the Town of Prattsburgh, UPC Project eight GE 1.5 MW industrial turbines valued at $1,500,000 to $2,000,000. Map locations have not been disclosed with specific locations by UPC Prattsburgh.

Ecogen has filed an application for zoning approval last October 1, 2007 for a project in Prattsburgh and Italy with 34 2.3 MW Siemens units valued at $2,000,000 to $2,500,000 to be in Italy along Emerson and Danboy roads. Burke and Wells Road four turbines along Italy Prattsburgh line on the hilltop along Route 54 on the Fanny Hall property.

Based upon the UPC Cohocton Project the taxable value of the three turbines should average $6,750,000 per year. For the twenty year period the total would be $135,000,000.

Based upon the UPC Prattsburgh Project the taxable value of the eight turbines should average $14,000,000 per year. For the twenty year period the total would be $280,000,000.

It may well be that the entire 34 Ecogen turbines are within the Naples School District. If that is the case the taxable value of the 34 turbines should average $76,500,000 per year. For the twenty year period the total would be $1,530,000,000. (Yes that’s over 1.5 BILLION)

After adding the three projects within the Naples School District:
$ 135,000,000 UPC Cohocton
$ 280,000,000 UPC Prattsburgh
$ 1,530,000,000 Ecogen Italy/Prattsburgh

The total amount is: $ 1,945,000,000

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