Thursday, April 05, 2007

Photos of the intentional burn of a historic site on Lewis Road, Cohocton

1 comment:

SoreBird said...

16% or more of those unsightly power line support structures can be totally Eliminated!!

Do Not let them tell you that all of those electrical structures are necessary.That is BS.

(Quote) By using ACCC, PacifiCorp was able to save the material and labor cost of
replacing 143 structures. Conventional conductor would have required
replacement of 150 structures;
ACCC Cable made it possible to re-conductor while replacing only 7 structures. ....
.................................. ...... 1-940-455-7450 ask for Andy Lockhar or sales for ACCC Cable

This cable is your answer ... far fewer structures and twice the conductivity.
Composite Tech Cable.

I hope this helps to fight the agenda of big oil corporations , activist and politicians. Lets be honest!