Environmental Compliance Alliance
262 East Lake Road Phone 585.554.5451
Rushville, NY 14544 Email barehill@aol.com
Richard H. Bolton, President
April 25, 2007
Dr. F. Jeffrey Goldthwait
10141 Lake Hollow Rd.
Cohocton, NY 14826
Subject: Reassessment of Noise and Shadow Flicker for Dutch Hill and Cohocton Wind Projects
Dear Dr. Goldthwait,
I have just returned from testifying at a Public Service Commission hearing in Charleston, West Virginia so I apologize for not responding to you sooner. Per your request I have re-evaluated the Cohocton and Dutch Hill Power Projects in terms of noise and shadow flicker.
My conclusions remain consistent, or perhaps even more emphatic, that the noise analysis and shadow flicker analysis for these projects is wholly inadequate and does not demonstrate necessary and proficient consideration of environmental changes that may impact residents. Emerging information, such as at the Mars Hills, Vt. project indicates that noise analyses, which generally follow the same methodology as in Cohocton, were insufficient resulting in widespread citizen complaints and intervention by government during construction of the wind farm.
To reiterate my objections, the noise analyses demonstrably did not assess the realistic background noises in the project areas The Cadna predictive noise modeling software specifically does not account for common atmospheric effects likely in Cohocton and is explicitly designed to conform to an ISO standard that is not to be used for non-terrestrial noise sources.
The shadow flicker studies incorrectly applied restrictive criteria to the WindPro software that greatly understates the true impact of shadow flicker in the project areas.
As you know the Lead Agency may not rely solely on studies submitted by the project sponsor. Those reports are likely biased toward an outcome favorable to the sponsor. Sufficient doubts exist that the Lead Agency in my opinion is mandated to seek an impartial reassessment of noise and shadow flicker for both projects.
If I can be of any further assistance in this matter please let me know.
Richard H. Bolton
Cc: Pat McAllister, Esq., Cohocton Town Attorney
Citizens, Residents and Neighbors concerned about ill-conceived wind turbine projects in the Town of Cohocton and adjacent townships in Western New York.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Dr. F. Jeffrey Goldthwait April 26, 2007 letter to the Cohocton Planning and Town Boards
Dr. F. Jeffrey Goldthwait
10141 Lake Hollow Road
Cohocton, NY 14826
April 26, 2007
Town of Cohocton Planning Board and Town Board
15 South Main Street
Cohocton, NY 14826
Dear Members of the Cohocton Planning Board and Town Board,
An Article 78 proceeding is currently pending before the New York State Supreme Court in Steuben County and has been for the entire series of Planning Board siting meetings up to and including this public hearing. None of these meetings were legally held, because the pleadings in the Article 78 lawsuit contest the legality of the entire local windmill law which contains in part all of the siting criteria for each of the wind turbines you have considered. The Planning Board should declare null and void any siting meetings held to date and await the final outcome of the pending lawsuit. What will you do if the courts final decision is that the current wind mill law is null and void? You would be well advised to adjourn this meeting until a final decision is rendered by the court.
Are you all aware that at the last meeting of the Town Board on April 23, 2007 that Town Board member Wayne Hunt revealed that we are not even negotiating financial agreements directly, but have completely turned our financial fate over to SCIDA and Steuben County, each of whom stand to profit more by giving us less? Cohocton and we the people will individually bear all the risk, all the damage to our environment, property values and the probable future financial stability of our town. We demand that the Town Board take the appropriate legal action to retake the power to negotiate any and all agreements between the Town of Cohocton and UPC.
I submit for the record the attached letter dated April 25, 20007 received from Richard H. Bolton, President of the Environmental Compliance Alliance, the only independent expert retained in this matter.
I hereby incorporate by reference and file as part of the record of this public hearing the following documents:
1. Letter to Town Board and Planning Board of Cohocton, by Dr. F. Jeffrey Goldthwait, dated June 20, 2006, filed with and received by Cohocton Town Clerk on June 20, 2006.
2. Research Study Noise Radiation From Wind Turbines Installed Near Homes: Effects on Health (With appendix on Wind Turbine effects on property values) by B.J. Frey & P.J. Hadden, February 2007 v.1. Hand delivered by Dr. F. Jeffrey Goldthwait to Raymond Schrader, Chairman, Planning Board on April 5, 2007.
3. Notarized covering Affidavit dated November 17, 2006 and: 1. Petition for Moratorium On All Industrial Wind Turbine Projects In The Town Of Cohocton, N.Y. with 215 duly witnessed signatories and 2. Petition for Immediate Review, Revision and Update of The “Comprehensive Master Plan’ For the Town and Village of Cohocton, New York” with 196 duly witnessed signatories filed with and received by Cohocton Town Clerk on November 17, 2006.
You have clearly done your best to negligently expedite applicant UPC’s proposed Industrial Wind Turbine projects for the town of Cohocton. You have consistently acted in a reckless and negligent manner that is well beyond the scope of your employment and appointment. You have without exception and without excuse negligently failed to respond to any of the hundreds of legitimate requests for answers to questions respectfully submitted to you by us the people of Cohocton. Each and every one of you has on multiple occasions violated the oath you individually signed to abide by and support the United States and New York State Constitutions.
You have not fairly and equally considered with due diligence the best property, financial, health, safety and welfare interests of the vast majority of the citizens of Cohocton.
However, you have been thoroughly, recklessly and without conscience in your support, furtherance and defense of the best financial and business interests of the applicant UPC and its progeny LLC’s Cohocton Wind and Dutch Hill Wind.
Both boards were asked repeatedly to retain the services of truly independent legal, environmental, financial and insurance experts that would provide a true, correct and unbiased assessment of the proposed UPC project. You acted negligently, recklessly and beyond the scope of your employment and appointment in blatantly refusing to take that necessary action of due diligence in order to serve and protect the best interests of all the people of Cohocton. The very people you swore to fairly and lawfully represent. Instead, you deplorably, negligently and recklessly chose to accept as fact and without question and exception the consistently self serving and UPC biased advice, facts and conclusions presented to you by UPC’s recommended bought and paid for “hired gun” legal and environmental consultants. When asked about those hired UPC guns, Mr. Schrader, the Planning Board Chairman has been heard by witnesses to have stated “I just do what they tell me to do”. That statement speaks for itself loud and clear.
Our Planning Board and Town Board members are merely puppets and willing victims representing the best interests of UPC. Board members you have almost come to the end of the road or of your rope as the case may be as it pertains to the proposed UPC Industrial Wind Turbine application. There is still time for a last minute reprieve. You could redeem yourselves by refusing to issue a special use permit to UPC until truly independent legal, environmental, financial and insurance experts have provided a true, correct and unbiased assessment of the proposed UPC project are retained by the Town of Cohocton.
We the vast majority of the people of Cohocton would fully support that action. In the final analysis the ultimate question will be “did each board member act with the best interests of the people of Cohocton at heart or the purely selfish financial interests of a foreign based Italian company against which we will have no future legal recourse?
Please let me know if Mr. Bolton or I can be of any further assistance in this most important matter as it has grave probable future health, safety, welfare and financial consequences for all of us who live in Cohocton.
Very truly yours,
Dr. F. Jeffrey Goldthwait
cc: Hon. Alberto R. Gonzales, Attorney General of the US
Hon. Andrew M. Cuomo, Attorney General, State of NY
State of NY, Department of State, Committee on Open Government
Mr. Patrick McAllister, Esquire, Cohocton Town Attorney
10141 Lake Hollow Road
Cohocton, NY 14826
April 26, 2007
Town of Cohocton Planning Board and Town Board
15 South Main Street
Cohocton, NY 14826
Dear Members of the Cohocton Planning Board and Town Board,
An Article 78 proceeding is currently pending before the New York State Supreme Court in Steuben County and has been for the entire series of Planning Board siting meetings up to and including this public hearing. None of these meetings were legally held, because the pleadings in the Article 78 lawsuit contest the legality of the entire local windmill law which contains in part all of the siting criteria for each of the wind turbines you have considered. The Planning Board should declare null and void any siting meetings held to date and await the final outcome of the pending lawsuit. What will you do if the courts final decision is that the current wind mill law is null and void? You would be well advised to adjourn this meeting until a final decision is rendered by the court.
Are you all aware that at the last meeting of the Town Board on April 23, 2007 that Town Board member Wayne Hunt revealed that we are not even negotiating financial agreements directly, but have completely turned our financial fate over to SCIDA and Steuben County, each of whom stand to profit more by giving us less? Cohocton and we the people will individually bear all the risk, all the damage to our environment, property values and the probable future financial stability of our town. We demand that the Town Board take the appropriate legal action to retake the power to negotiate any and all agreements between the Town of Cohocton and UPC.
I submit for the record the attached letter dated April 25, 20007 received from Richard H. Bolton, President of the Environmental Compliance Alliance, the only independent expert retained in this matter.
I hereby incorporate by reference and file as part of the record of this public hearing the following documents:
1. Letter to Town Board and Planning Board of Cohocton, by Dr. F. Jeffrey Goldthwait, dated June 20, 2006, filed with and received by Cohocton Town Clerk on June 20, 2006.
2. Research Study Noise Radiation From Wind Turbines Installed Near Homes: Effects on Health (With appendix on Wind Turbine effects on property values) by B.J. Frey & P.J. Hadden, February 2007 v.1. Hand delivered by Dr. F. Jeffrey Goldthwait to Raymond Schrader, Chairman, Planning Board on April 5, 2007.
3. Notarized covering Affidavit dated November 17, 2006 and: 1. Petition for Moratorium On All Industrial Wind Turbine Projects In The Town Of Cohocton, N.Y. with 215 duly witnessed signatories and 2. Petition for Immediate Review, Revision and Update of The “Comprehensive Master Plan’ For the Town and Village of Cohocton, New York” with 196 duly witnessed signatories filed with and received by Cohocton Town Clerk on November 17, 2006.
You have clearly done your best to negligently expedite applicant UPC’s proposed Industrial Wind Turbine projects for the town of Cohocton. You have consistently acted in a reckless and negligent manner that is well beyond the scope of your employment and appointment. You have without exception and without excuse negligently failed to respond to any of the hundreds of legitimate requests for answers to questions respectfully submitted to you by us the people of Cohocton. Each and every one of you has on multiple occasions violated the oath you individually signed to abide by and support the United States and New York State Constitutions.
You have not fairly and equally considered with due diligence the best property, financial, health, safety and welfare interests of the vast majority of the citizens of Cohocton.
However, you have been thoroughly, recklessly and without conscience in your support, furtherance and defense of the best financial and business interests of the applicant UPC and its progeny LLC’s Cohocton Wind and Dutch Hill Wind.
Both boards were asked repeatedly to retain the services of truly independent legal, environmental, financial and insurance experts that would provide a true, correct and unbiased assessment of the proposed UPC project. You acted negligently, recklessly and beyond the scope of your employment and appointment in blatantly refusing to take that necessary action of due diligence in order to serve and protect the best interests of all the people of Cohocton. The very people you swore to fairly and lawfully represent. Instead, you deplorably, negligently and recklessly chose to accept as fact and without question and exception the consistently self serving and UPC biased advice, facts and conclusions presented to you by UPC’s recommended bought and paid for “hired gun” legal and environmental consultants. When asked about those hired UPC guns, Mr. Schrader, the Planning Board Chairman has been heard by witnesses to have stated “I just do what they tell me to do”. That statement speaks for itself loud and clear.
Our Planning Board and Town Board members are merely puppets and willing victims representing the best interests of UPC. Board members you have almost come to the end of the road or of your rope as the case may be as it pertains to the proposed UPC Industrial Wind Turbine application. There is still time for a last minute reprieve. You could redeem yourselves by refusing to issue a special use permit to UPC until truly independent legal, environmental, financial and insurance experts have provided a true, correct and unbiased assessment of the proposed UPC project are retained by the Town of Cohocton.
We the vast majority of the people of Cohocton would fully support that action. In the final analysis the ultimate question will be “did each board member act with the best interests of the people of Cohocton at heart or the purely selfish financial interests of a foreign based Italian company against which we will have no future legal recourse?
Please let me know if Mr. Bolton or I can be of any further assistance in this most important matter as it has grave probable future health, safety, welfare and financial consequences for all of us who live in Cohocton.
Very truly yours,
Dr. F. Jeffrey Goldthwait
cc: Hon. Alberto R. Gonzales, Attorney General of the US
Hon. Andrew M. Cuomo, Attorney General, State of NY
State of NY, Department of State, Committee on Open Government
Mr. Patrick McAllister, Esquire, Cohocton Town Attorney
Coalition of Citizens File Anti-Trust Complaint With the Department Of Justice Against the Wind Energy Industry
A grass roots coalition of nearly 100 citizens from New York, Vermont, and other states have filed a federal Anti-Trust Complaint alleging that an international cartel comprised of foreign and domestic business entities have conspired to eliminate competition in the newly emerging U.S. wind energy sector.
This Complaint, filed today with the Department Of Justice Anti-Trust Division, maintains that windfarm developers, suppliers, consultants, investors, and in some cases public officials have engaged in illegal geographic Market Allocation, Price Fixing and Bid Rigging in direct violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act.
As a result of this illegal conspiracy thousands of landowners and hundreds of municipalities have been denied substantial monetary gains that otherwise would be available in a free and competitive market.
The 94 citizen Complainants expect that the Department Of Justice will act quickly to assign appropriate resources necessary to investigate and prosecute these allegations and to punish any and all criminal wrongdoing to the full extent of the law. The Complainants also expect that the Department will take appropriate measures to ensure that the members of this international cartel are prevented from retaliating against any of the listed Complainants.
According to the Department Of Justice, price fixing, bid rigging, and market allocation by individuals or companies are felonies currently punishable by maximum individual fines of $1 million, maximum corporate fines of $100 million, and maximum jail terms of 10 years.
Citizens from the following locales in New York are participating: Naples, Cohocton, Wayland, Cape Vincent, Lowville, Stamford, Malone, Wyoming, Cherry Valley, Addison, Canisteo, Allegany, Rochester, North Bangor, Little Falls, Hornell, Fairport, Webster, and Prattsburgh. Citizens from the following locales in Vermont are participating: Sheffield, East Burke, Sutton, and Peacham.
Questions regarding this Complaint, or requests for copies of the entire Complaint, may be directed to:
Bradley E. Jones
3996 Donley Road
Naples NY 14512
585-374-2627 (H), 585-233-8539 (M)
This Complaint, filed today with the Department Of Justice Anti-Trust Division, maintains that windfarm developers, suppliers, consultants, investors, and in some cases public officials have engaged in illegal geographic Market Allocation, Price Fixing and Bid Rigging in direct violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act.
As a result of this illegal conspiracy thousands of landowners and hundreds of municipalities have been denied substantial monetary gains that otherwise would be available in a free and competitive market.
The 94 citizen Complainants expect that the Department Of Justice will act quickly to assign appropriate resources necessary to investigate and prosecute these allegations and to punish any and all criminal wrongdoing to the full extent of the law. The Complainants also expect that the Department will take appropriate measures to ensure that the members of this international cartel are prevented from retaliating against any of the listed Complainants.
According to the Department Of Justice, price fixing, bid rigging, and market allocation by individuals or companies are felonies currently punishable by maximum individual fines of $1 million, maximum corporate fines of $100 million, and maximum jail terms of 10 years.
Citizens from the following locales in New York are participating: Naples, Cohocton, Wayland, Cape Vincent, Lowville, Stamford, Malone, Wyoming, Cherry Valley, Addison, Canisteo, Allegany, Rochester, North Bangor, Little Falls, Hornell, Fairport, Webster, and Prattsburgh. Citizens from the following locales in Vermont are participating: Sheffield, East Burke, Sutton, and Peacham.
Questions regarding this Complaint, or requests for copies of the entire Complaint, may be directed to:
Bradley E. Jones
3996 Donley Road
Naples NY 14512
585-374-2627 (H), 585-233-8539 (M)
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Spitzer OKs incentives for Jordanville wind project
The Final Environmental Impact Statement has yet to be completed, but the Spitzer Administration is showering largesse on Community Energy’s 68-turbine Jordanville Wind Project.
The project is one of nine wind projects – 21 clean-energy projects in all, when hydroelectric and biomass are included – targeted for $295 million in “performance incentives” in Gov. Eliot Spitzer’s speech, “15 by 15, A Clean Energy Strategy for New York,” delivered to Crain’s Breakfast Business Roundtable in New York City on Thursday, April 19. He said such incentives have attracted $2 billion in private investment to date in clean energy.
The incentives were announced jointly by NYSERDA (the state Energy Research & Development Agency) and the state Public Service Commission in conjunction with Spitzer’s speech, but few speech, but few details were immediately forthcoming from those quarters.
(Click to read entire article)
The project is one of nine wind projects – 21 clean-energy projects in all, when hydroelectric and biomass are included – targeted for $295 million in “performance incentives” in Gov. Eliot Spitzer’s speech, “15 by 15, A Clean Energy Strategy for New York,” delivered to Crain’s Breakfast Business Roundtable in New York City on Thursday, April 19. He said such incentives have attracted $2 billion in private investment to date in clean energy.
The incentives were announced jointly by NYSERDA (the state Energy Research & Development Agency) and the state Public Service Commission in conjunction with Spitzer’s speech, but few speech, but few details were immediately forthcoming from those quarters.
(Click to read entire article)
Hinchey, Arcuri & Hall Stand Against NYRI
Washington, DC - In response to the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) release of two draft designations of National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors today, U.S. Representatives Maurice Hinchey (D- Hurley), Michael A. Arcuri (D-Utica), and John Hall (D-Dover Plains) restated their strong opposition to current law that could allow New York Regional Interconnect (NYRI) and other private companies to utilize federal eminent domain to acquire private property and circumvent state authority.
“We have been opposed to this egregious process since the beginning, and plan to continue our efforts to prevent the NYRI proposal every step of the way,” said Reps. Hinchey, Arcuri, and Hall. “While we expected this announcement from the DOE, it comes as a great shock that we’re hearing the news a day after we held an oversight hearing in Washington where the senior official who oversees this subject at DOE answered questions about the implementation of this law, but failed to mention this announcement was imminent.
“Allowing private energy companies to run roughshod over local property rights, subvert state authority, and damage environmentally sensitive areas everywhere in the country - except for a large portion of Texas - is patently unjust. Unfortunately, this sort of action is indicative of this administration’s favoring of energy companies over the rights of average citizens. We are committed to working together in Congress on behalf of our constituents to fight tooth and nail against this proposal. We have already introduced legislation in the House to block the creation of National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors, which would stop the NYRI project, and will be pushing that legislation vigorously.”
Included in the Department of Energy’s draft is a proposal to create a Mid-Atlantic Area National Corridor which would include the following counties in New York State: Albany, Bronx, Broome, Cayuga, Chenango, Clinton, Columbia, Delaware, Dutchess, Erie, Franklin, Fulton, Genesee, Greene, Herkimer, Jefferson, Kings, Lewis, Livingston, Madison, Monroe, Montgomery, Nassau, New York, Niagara, Oneida, Onondaga, Ontario, Orange, Orleans, Otsego, Putnam, Queens, Renssalaer, Richmond, Rockland, St. Lawrence, Saratoga, Schenectady, Schoharie, Seneca, Suffolk Sullivan, Ulster, Wayne, Westchester, and Wyoming.
Section 1221 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, created new federal authority to site electric transmission lines throughout the country. Under the Act, the Department of Energy may designate areas of the country as “National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors.” Within these corridors, state authority over transmission lines may be preempted and new federal eminent domain authority could be used to obtain land for approved electric utility transmission projects. Hinchey voted against the bill when it came before the House in 2005.
“We have been opposed to this egregious process since the beginning, and plan to continue our efforts to prevent the NYRI proposal every step of the way,” said Reps. Hinchey, Arcuri, and Hall. “While we expected this announcement from the DOE, it comes as a great shock that we’re hearing the news a day after we held an oversight hearing in Washington where the senior official who oversees this subject at DOE answered questions about the implementation of this law, but failed to mention this announcement was imminent.
“Allowing private energy companies to run roughshod over local property rights, subvert state authority, and damage environmentally sensitive areas everywhere in the country - except for a large portion of Texas - is patently unjust. Unfortunately, this sort of action is indicative of this administration’s favoring of energy companies over the rights of average citizens. We are committed to working together in Congress on behalf of our constituents to fight tooth and nail against this proposal. We have already introduced legislation in the House to block the creation of National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors, which would stop the NYRI project, and will be pushing that legislation vigorously.”
Included in the Department of Energy’s draft is a proposal to create a Mid-Atlantic Area National Corridor which would include the following counties in New York State: Albany, Bronx, Broome, Cayuga, Chenango, Clinton, Columbia, Delaware, Dutchess, Erie, Franklin, Fulton, Genesee, Greene, Herkimer, Jefferson, Kings, Lewis, Livingston, Madison, Monroe, Montgomery, Nassau, New York, Niagara, Oneida, Onondaga, Ontario, Orange, Orleans, Otsego, Putnam, Queens, Renssalaer, Richmond, Rockland, St. Lawrence, Saratoga, Schenectady, Schoharie, Seneca, Suffolk Sullivan, Ulster, Wayne, Westchester, and Wyoming.
Section 1221 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, created new federal authority to site electric transmission lines throughout the country. Under the Act, the Department of Energy may designate areas of the country as “National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors.” Within these corridors, state authority over transmission lines may be preempted and new federal eminent domain authority could be used to obtain land for approved electric utility transmission projects. Hinchey voted against the bill when it came before the House in 2005.
NYRI ‘welcomes’ DoE proposed designation; lawmakers vow a continued fight
Washington - The US Department of Energy has approved a draft proposal to create a Mid-Atlantic Area National Corridor, which would, among other things, let New York Regional Interconnect, take property by eminent domain to build their power line from Oneida County to Orange County.
In a prepared statement Thursday, the company said the proposed designations “are part of a clearly emerging consensus that the reliability of America’s and New York State’s electrical power transmission infrastructure must be addressed in a timely way.”
But, Congressman Maurice Hinchey of Hurley, who vehemently opposes the power line, vowed to continue to fight it.
“We cannot allow this stuff to happen. We’re going to be fighting back against it very vigorously,” he said. Hinchey said he has already prepared legislation to remove those provisions of the current law.
Sullivan County Legislature Chairman Christopher Cunningham, chairman of the eight-county opposition group, said they will fight it all the way to court, if necessary. “We are prepared to fight this at the federal level and we will get the resources, I am confident, to do that if we have to.”
Forty-eight of New York’s counties would be included in the National Corridor designation if it gains final approvals.
In a prepared statement Thursday, the company said the proposed designations “are part of a clearly emerging consensus that the reliability of America’s and New York State’s electrical power transmission infrastructure must be addressed in a timely way.”
But, Congressman Maurice Hinchey of Hurley, who vehemently opposes the power line, vowed to continue to fight it.
“We cannot allow this stuff to happen. We’re going to be fighting back against it very vigorously,” he said. Hinchey said he has already prepared legislation to remove those provisions of the current law.
Sullivan County Legislature Chairman Christopher Cunningham, chairman of the eight-county opposition group, said they will fight it all the way to court, if necessary. “We are prepared to fight this at the federal level and we will get the resources, I am confident, to do that if we have to.”
Forty-eight of New York’s counties would be included in the National Corridor designation if it gains final approvals.
Friday, April 27, 2007
One of the major goals of the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) is to create an environment where industry members can meet and share information with the understanding that AWEA activities will be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the antitrust laws. AWEA recognizes the importance of the antitrust laws to preserve and foster competition and is committed to a policy that requires strict compliance with these laws. The AWEA Board of Directors has adopted the following Antitrust Compliance Guidelines to be used by members and staff in conducting AWEA activities.
Application of the Antitrust Laws to Association Activities:
AWEA understands that trade associations are subject to strict scrutiny under the antitrust laws because they are venues where competitors gather and share information about the way they conduct their business. Therefore associations must act carefully and cautiously in the way that they conduct their activities to ensure that they do not create situations that could be construed as violations of the antitrust laws.
Antitrust compliance is important for association members because violations of the law could result in felony convictions leading to jail sentences and civil fines and penalties. Thoughtless violations of the antitrust laws can result in innocent members and staff being subjected to costly investigations and litigation involving a great loss of time and payment of legal fees. Such thoughtless violations have been known to ruin industry associations and cause
great harm to individuals’ professional and personal lives. It is AWEA’s goal to make members aware of these laws and be proactive in ensuring compliance.
Application of the Antitrust Laws to Association Activities:
AWEA understands that trade associations are subject to strict scrutiny under the antitrust laws because they are venues where competitors gather and share information about the way they conduct their business. Therefore associations must act carefully and cautiously in the way that they conduct their activities to ensure that they do not create situations that could be construed as violations of the antitrust laws.
Antitrust compliance is important for association members because violations of the law could result in felony convictions leading to jail sentences and civil fines and penalties. Thoughtless violations of the antitrust laws can result in innocent members and staff being subjected to costly investigations and litigation involving a great loss of time and payment of legal fees. Such thoughtless violations have been known to ruin industry associations and cause
great harm to individuals’ professional and personal lives. It is AWEA’s goal to make members aware of these laws and be proactive in ensuring compliance.
Update on the Filing of Antitrust Complaint
The Antitrust Complaint seems to have successfully been received by hundreds of people across New York, Vermont, and Pennsylvania. We have learned of quite a few wind proposals and advocacy groups that are new to us. In talking with many of these fine folks the last couple of days we have received strong confirmation that the Market Allocation alleged in the towns in our Complaint (and the subsequent price fixing) js replicated in all of the other locales as well. So the magnitude of the problem, and the size of the conspiracy, is even greater than we knew.
Several individuals/groups have asked if they should also file Complaints. My response is that the Department Of Justice would certainly be interested in objective and factual information which reflects or indicates violations of federal statute. The DOJ website has two very useful documents that lay out the law and the process for filing a complaint. I would encourage interested parties to check these out:
As an alternative to preparing your own Complaint (which we know to be quite time-consuming), individuals or groups may consider filing an Addendum to our Complaint that:
1. Expresses your support for the Complaint.
2. Describes why you believe the developers have carried out market allocation or price fixing in your locale. I would suggest including all the facts that you have including names, dates, business structure or ownership, inappropriate interface with public officials, attempts to harass or intimidate ... any issues or situations that you believe to be pertinent to the Complaint.
3. Includes names and addresses of all involved in the addendum.
Complaints or Addendums may be submitted to antitrust.complaints@usdoj.gov
Please bounce back with any comments or questions. We will be glad to assist you in any way that we can.
Also, if you have not yet had a chance to get the Press Release out to all the media outlets you can think of please take a few minutes to get the word out.
Thank you all for your help and participation
linda and brad
Brad Jones
PerformancePlus Business Consultants
3996 Donley Road
Naples NY 14512
585 233 8539 (Cell)
585 374 2627 (Office)
Several individuals/groups have asked if they should also file Complaints. My response is that the Department Of Justice would certainly be interested in objective and factual information which reflects or indicates violations of federal statute. The DOJ website has two very useful documents that lay out the law and the process for filing a complaint. I would encourage interested parties to check these out:
As an alternative to preparing your own Complaint (which we know to be quite time-consuming), individuals or groups may consider filing an Addendum to our Complaint that:
1. Expresses your support for the Complaint.
2. Describes why you believe the developers have carried out market allocation or price fixing in your locale. I would suggest including all the facts that you have including names, dates, business structure or ownership, inappropriate interface with public officials, attempts to harass or intimidate ... any issues or situations that you believe to be pertinent to the Complaint.
3. Includes names and addresses of all involved in the addendum.
Complaints or Addendums may be submitted to antitrust.complaints@usdoj.gov
Please bounce back with any comments or questions. We will be glad to assist you in any way that we can.
Also, if you have not yet had a chance to get the Press Release out to all the media outlets you can think of please take a few minutes to get the word out.
Thank you all for your help and participation
linda and brad
Brad Jones
PerformancePlus Business Consultants
3996 Donley Road
Naples NY 14512
585 233 8539 (Cell)
585 374 2627 (Office)
Town Of Cohocton Planning Board 4/26/07 letter by James Hall
April 26, 2006
Cohocton Planning Board
15 South Main Street
Cohocton New York 14826
RE: Public Hearing Site Plan Review for “special use” permits UPC project
Dear Cohocton Planning Board Members:
The legal status of this public hearing is challenged on the grounds that the Final EIS has not been released, approved or certified.
Attorney Daniel Ruzow, of Whiteman, Osterman and Hanna stated definitively in May of 2006 that there would be a separate and individual public hearing on EACH site location for every industrial wind turbine. Now Todd Mathes, from the same law firm has directed the Cohocton Planning Board to conduct ONE single public hearing that encompasses ALL industrial wind turbine locations on BOTH the Pine/Lent Hill and Dutch Hill project.
This is a breech of the public trust and demonstrates the extreme lengths that the, UPC paid, Town Attorneys will stoop to deceive and facilitate the interests of the developer over the valid concerns of the residents and property owners of Cohocton.
Your Cohocton Planning Board has the duty to protect the public safety and environmental integrity set forth in the existing Cohocton Comprehensive Plan. By conducting this public hearing, at this time, you are violating your obligation to the people who reside in this community.
Who has applied for the “special use” permits? The developer aka UPC under any of the LLC’s names has not established that legal authority to make application for each turbine. Since it is an established legal practice that the land owner must make and sign applications for permits, how is it legally valid to review plans that have not confirmed that the landholders are authorizing and executing the same applications?
In order to confirm with the law, any signed leases between landholders and UPC must be filed with the Steuben County Clerk and made public. Since this condition has not been met, the Cohocton Planning Board does not have proof that the developer has the legal authority to make application for “special use” permits.
Also where are the publicly disclosed actual applications from UPC? All attempts to FOIL any documentation that can clear up this matter has been met with none are available.
A legal challenge to the special use permits arises without proof of responsible ownership to any application.
Cohocton Planning Board
15 South Main Street
Cohocton New York 14826
RE: Public Hearing Site Plan Review for “special use” permits UPC project
Dear Cohocton Planning Board Members:
The legal status of this public hearing is challenged on the grounds that the Final EIS has not been released, approved or certified.
Attorney Daniel Ruzow, of Whiteman, Osterman and Hanna stated definitively in May of 2006 that there would be a separate and individual public hearing on EACH site location for every industrial wind turbine. Now Todd Mathes, from the same law firm has directed the Cohocton Planning Board to conduct ONE single public hearing that encompasses ALL industrial wind turbine locations on BOTH the Pine/Lent Hill and Dutch Hill project.
This is a breech of the public trust and demonstrates the extreme lengths that the, UPC paid, Town Attorneys will stoop to deceive and facilitate the interests of the developer over the valid concerns of the residents and property owners of Cohocton.
Your Cohocton Planning Board has the duty to protect the public safety and environmental integrity set forth in the existing Cohocton Comprehensive Plan. By conducting this public hearing, at this time, you are violating your obligation to the people who reside in this community.
Who has applied for the “special use” permits? The developer aka UPC under any of the LLC’s names has not established that legal authority to make application for each turbine. Since it is an established legal practice that the land owner must make and sign applications for permits, how is it legally valid to review plans that have not confirmed that the landholders are authorizing and executing the same applications?
In order to confirm with the law, any signed leases between landholders and UPC must be filed with the Steuben County Clerk and made public. Since this condition has not been met, the Cohocton Planning Board does not have proof that the developer has the legal authority to make application for “special use” permits.
Also where are the publicly disclosed actual applications from UPC? All attempts to FOIL any documentation that can clear up this matter has been met with none are available.
A legal challenge to the special use permits arises without proof of responsible ownership to any application.
Town Of Cohocton Planning Board 4/26/07 letter by Don E. Sandford
My concern is with turbine sites numbers 34, 35 and 36 located off of Brown Hill Rd as their placement, as numerous studies have shown, will decrease my property value for future resale because of the adverse quality of life and health issues they present as unrelenting noise, strobe lights and vista devaluation from turbines that will be placed on a hill top appx. 200‘ higher that my property for a 625’ tall monsterous structure to be part of my daily life in the future.
This planning board had the opportunity to address this kind of injustice as it had initially recommended to the town board a “Property Devaluation Bond” to be part of local law #2 as to protect property owners adversely effected by improper industrial turbine placement, enabling the property owner to recover any damages caused in this manner from UPC but was rejected outright by Supervisor J. Zigenfus’s unsubstantiated and subjective view as being too vague to be even considered and was summarily and conveniently voted down by the remaining town board members never to be revisited again by the planning board and by not doing so, provided no lawful recourse in local law#2 for landowners looking for relief should they be adversely impacted by the improper industrial turbine placement other than the courts.
Both boards in their all too familiar and predictable behavior, with not one single member ever dissenting, revealed unmistakably that that their only true allegiance was to invariably comply with the instructions dictated by UPC and their lawyers and not to the adjacent town property owner also being adversely effected by the wrongful industrial wind tower placement. Similar pleas from people all across this town have gone unanswered by this planning board, asking the board to find a solution in protecting a life time of investment in their homes and property, summarily ignored time after time to all their concerns in spite of volumes of valid data submitted supporting and reinforcing their dissenting views. As the lead agency, each and every member of this planning board to date has shown gross negligence by knowingly and intentionally siding with UPC and leaseholders, ignoring valid facts and refusing to address properly the concerns of health and/or protection of land values of adjacent landowners effected in this project. This board has been nothing more than a rubber stamp for UPC. With my home and property in jeopardy you leave me no other recourse but to seek relief through the courts directed particularly at the planning board as each of these commercial industrial turbines are made operational.
Also for reference as part of the official record of this public hearing a document dated November 15, 2006, SDES, Directory L, Property Value by Cushman & Wakefield Inc., File 06-34001-9569 previously presented to the Town of Cohocton Town Board as required by Cushman & Wakefield. P.Barton DeLacy, who signed this report for Cushman and & Wakefield states in part “The most significant new information since my last visit to southwest New York” was a report who’s author was Ben Hoen pertaining to property values impacted by turbine placement. This was presented in a misleading manner of being expert testimony but was in fact only a publication of a college student’s thesis and was rightly dismissed by Mr George Sterzinger, a prominent wind authority, as being weak and misleading. This subject in its entirety was covered of my concerns in a report submitted to the planning board dated January 18, 2007 pertaining to the SDEIS Directory l, Property Value of Cushman and Wakefield. The report from Cushman & Wakefield contained questionable facts an merely a necessary, paid for by and self serving tool of UPC to promote their interest and agenda at the expense of others.
This town has been badly served at best by this sitting planning and town board and does not have my respect at all. Property sales already have been lost in this town as potential buyers learn about the introduction of commercial industrial wind turbines and buy elsewhere. The boards collusion with UPC at the expense of adjacent property owners is obvious. Unless a dramatic policy change is imminent addressing this serious matter, you will be costing the town of Cohocton taxpayers thousands of dollars in legal fees as court proceedings are initiated. Ladies & gentlemen, with a substantial investment in my home and property hanging in the balance and abhorrent quality of life change probable, this is not a game we will be playing based on a college kid’s thesis.
This planning board had the opportunity to address this kind of injustice as it had initially recommended to the town board a “Property Devaluation Bond” to be part of local law #2 as to protect property owners adversely effected by improper industrial turbine placement, enabling the property owner to recover any damages caused in this manner from UPC but was rejected outright by Supervisor J. Zigenfus’s unsubstantiated and subjective view as being too vague to be even considered and was summarily and conveniently voted down by the remaining town board members never to be revisited again by the planning board and by not doing so, provided no lawful recourse in local law#2 for landowners looking for relief should they be adversely impacted by the improper industrial turbine placement other than the courts.
Both boards in their all too familiar and predictable behavior, with not one single member ever dissenting, revealed unmistakably that that their only true allegiance was to invariably comply with the instructions dictated by UPC and their lawyers and not to the adjacent town property owner also being adversely effected by the wrongful industrial wind tower placement. Similar pleas from people all across this town have gone unanswered by this planning board, asking the board to find a solution in protecting a life time of investment in their homes and property, summarily ignored time after time to all their concerns in spite of volumes of valid data submitted supporting and reinforcing their dissenting views. As the lead agency, each and every member of this planning board to date has shown gross negligence by knowingly and intentionally siding with UPC and leaseholders, ignoring valid facts and refusing to address properly the concerns of health and/or protection of land values of adjacent landowners effected in this project. This board has been nothing more than a rubber stamp for UPC. With my home and property in jeopardy you leave me no other recourse but to seek relief through the courts directed particularly at the planning board as each of these commercial industrial turbines are made operational.
Also for reference as part of the official record of this public hearing a document dated November 15, 2006, SDES, Directory L, Property Value by Cushman & Wakefield Inc., File 06-34001-9569 previously presented to the Town of Cohocton Town Board as required by Cushman & Wakefield. P.Barton DeLacy, who signed this report for Cushman and & Wakefield states in part “The most significant new information since my last visit to southwest New York” was a report who’s author was Ben Hoen pertaining to property values impacted by turbine placement. This was presented in a misleading manner of being expert testimony but was in fact only a publication of a college student’s thesis and was rightly dismissed by Mr George Sterzinger, a prominent wind authority, as being weak and misleading. This subject in its entirety was covered of my concerns in a report submitted to the planning board dated January 18, 2007 pertaining to the SDEIS Directory l, Property Value of Cushman and Wakefield. The report from Cushman & Wakefield contained questionable facts an merely a necessary, paid for by and self serving tool of UPC to promote their interest and agenda at the expense of others.
This town has been badly served at best by this sitting planning and town board and does not have my respect at all. Property sales already have been lost in this town as potential buyers learn about the introduction of commercial industrial wind turbines and buy elsewhere. The boards collusion with UPC at the expense of adjacent property owners is obvious. Unless a dramatic policy change is imminent addressing this serious matter, you will be costing the town of Cohocton taxpayers thousands of dollars in legal fees as court proceedings are initiated. Ladies & gentlemen, with a substantial investment in my home and property hanging in the balance and abhorrent quality of life change probable, this is not a game we will be playing based on a college kid’s thesis.
How dare those anti-wind people for defending their homes and life-styles from us leaseholders and Town Boards. Who do they think they are, asking the town board a lot of questions they can't answer? Just because we intend to mutilate those hills and place 500' monstrosities 1500' from their homes and where those people have invested their life savings, it doesn't give them the right to question our integrity or morals. They should show common courtesy and decency and quit questioning our motives, after all we are the rulers of this town and don't need to show those little people any courtesy in return. I think it is so disgusting they are working so hard to defend themselves from our scheme that we have worked 4 years in secret with UPC. We told them, we have all the facts we need, but pesky anti-wind people didn't believe us and went out on their own and found thousands of documents that dispute all the facts we got from UPC.
I think it's shocking for those people to think they have any rights through our Comprehensive Plan just because they've invested their life savings in an agricultural zoned area. Boy we fooled them huh! We can change anything we want in Cohocton because we own it.
It's so un-American for ~ people to question any board member and expect an answer from us; Wayne Hunt has told those people to trust the town board but those pesky people just keep finding more proof that wind turbines are not what UPC has claimed. Those heathens have found out that the Tug Hill project has already claimed 6000 bird and bat kills on just a portion of that project, even after Chris Swartly assured them that they were extremely rare.
We know these turbines are very inefficient, make a lot of noise, take electricity from the grid and know it is a money scam but so what, we will be the ones making the money. All we have to do it keep feeding the right people lies and BS so they will turn on those pesky anti-wind terrorists. MARS Hill project needs to be kept low keyed so more people don't turn on us and start believing those anti-wind people.
We have to tell Jack to put a gag order in place at board meetings so we don't have to listen to the facts anymore. After all we are the rulers of this town and we can do what we want.
OK guys we need to get back out their in the press and keep demonizing those people that want to preserve the natural beauty of Cohocton or else we won't be making no money. Meeting Adjourned.
I think it's shocking for those people to think they have any rights through our Comprehensive Plan just because they've invested their life savings in an agricultural zoned area. Boy we fooled them huh! We can change anything we want in Cohocton because we own it.
It's so un-American for ~ people to question any board member and expect an answer from us; Wayne Hunt has told those people to trust the town board but those pesky people just keep finding more proof that wind turbines are not what UPC has claimed. Those heathens have found out that the Tug Hill project has already claimed 6000 bird and bat kills on just a portion of that project, even after Chris Swartly assured them that they were extremely rare.
We know these turbines are very inefficient, make a lot of noise, take electricity from the grid and know it is a money scam but so what, we will be the ones making the money. All we have to do it keep feeding the right people lies and BS so they will turn on those pesky anti-wind terrorists. MARS Hill project needs to be kept low keyed so more people don't turn on us and start believing those anti-wind people.
We have to tell Jack to put a gag order in place at board meetings so we don't have to listen to the facts anymore. After all we are the rulers of this town and we can do what we want.
OK guys we need to get back out their in the press and keep demonizing those people that want to preserve the natural beauty of Cohocton or else we won't be making no money. Meeting Adjourned.
Hans Daatselaar remarks to the Cohocton Planning Board
The Statue of Liberty represents the triumph for democratic society over tyranny and corruption. As a New York Harbor tugboat pilot I am almost always in the presence of this great American symbol of freedom and democracy. But lately it's the site of this beautiful statue that reminds me of the failed democratic system of government in my hometown and the distressing divisions among residents of this community 300 miles away. I moved to Cohocton in 2004 after building my dream house high atop Dutch Hill. Construction started in January and by September the log cabin and barn were finished and my new 1/2 acre pond was slowly filling. Years of financial planning were finally paying off and 1 couldn't have been more proud of my accomplishment. I chose Cohocton for the same reasons most people would, the beautiful unspoiled view sheds, the friendly small town atmosphere and those unbelievably silent star filled night skies.
About three years ago an international company called UPC Wind quietly and stealthily slipped into Cohocton and began work on what could be the largest industrial wind turbine project in this region. After years of clandestinely working behind the scenes with town officials and a small group of landholders, the project that has bitterly divided this town was announced to the public in April 2006. The news came in the form of a "we're going to make good neighbors" letter from UPC's Chris Swartley. About this time my neighbor approached me with evert more good news, he had signed a lease agreement with UPC and Dutch Hill was about to be transformed into an industrial electrical generating facility with the addition of 16, 420ft. noise producing, sun shadow flickering, ice throwing, strobe lighted, property value reducing "GOOD NEIGHBORS", the goliath C96 turbine. These monsters will be the biggest in the country with the closest sited 1,500 feet from my house. I was also told in no uncertain terms that nothing could prevent this project from being built so just accept it. My initial reaction was pretty muted and right in line with what the supporters of this project expected. What really energized me was the nasty attitude some of the leaseholders took when I, a non-native, had the audacity to question the conduct of their town government and the placement of turbines in a residential setting. One leaseholder steadfastly insists he can do whatever he wants with his land no matter what the impact on nearby residents or the environment. Bully ing and provocative statements like this were all the incentive I needed to begin researching the wind industry. The more I learned the more outraged and outspoken I've become.
Town officials have a duty to ensure the safety and well-being of all its residents and yet the Cohocton regime is actively promoting UPC and the industrialization of our town. There are ethical questions concerning a town board that has rejected a petition with 215 signatures representing about a quarter of the total number of Cohocton voters asking the board to declare a six month moratorium on wind projects. Board members with close family ties to leaseholders, a senior councilman who has written articles for Yes! Wind Cohocton supporting this project and the chairman of the Planning Board admitting that he is "just doing what he is told". This fascist Cohocton regime will not even open the decision-making process to a referendum of the electorate whereby residents of the town can vote to either permit or prohibit industrial wind turbines.
Wind energy is "green" for those leaseholders who have bought into this scheme with financial gain but what about Ihe rest of us who have serious reservations about an industry that hedges the truth and answers to no-one. Cohocton Wind Mill Law #2 requires a 520ft. turbine setback from non-participating landowner's property lines plus a 1500ft. turbine setback from private dwellings. This law as written, opens up some serious legal issues concerning property rights when the 1500ft. danger zone overshadows private property. In other words private zoned land is being overlapped with an industrial influence. About 3 acres of my land will fall inside the 1500ft. danger zone from turbine # 1. Essentially 1 have lost my building rights to those 3 acres since no dwelling is allowed inside this zone. Even if I could build inside the danger zone, would an insurance company write a policy on a structure inside the danger zone? Will a bank gram a mortgage underthese conditions? There are dozens of non-participating property owners who will be adversely affected by this law! The 1500ft. setback to a dwelling is much too close for a 420ft. turbine and will create serious quality of life, health and safety issues.
Let me be perfectly clear, this project as it is proposed will be less profitable and most likely would be cancelled if the setback distances are increased. The Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for Dutch Hill is available online and at the Town Hall. This voluminous report is incredibly one-sided in UPC's favor; the benefits are repeatedly overstated while the adverse impacts are repeatedly downplayed. And why not. after all UPC selected and p this report. Excessive health-damaging sound levels are one of the \ and dirtiest secrets. How can an engineering firm evaluate the soun which is extremely important for determining increased noise levels is still on the drawing board? Not a problem if you work for UPC, smaller rotor and hope the results are close! (Refer to DEIS 3.7.2. accurate and comprehensive noise analysis on a functioning commen relying on data from a smaller experimental turbine the entire DI critically flawed. This inaccuracy will lead to serious errors in delii turbine sighting. Shadow flicker is theresult of the rotor blades chopp moving shadows. The DEIS report only assumes shadow flicker is window. The consultant has totally ignored shadow flicker on a resi the effects of these large shadows will be impossible to ignore. Car five homes atop Dutch Hill, including mine, will be exposed to thisi per day 180 daysayear.(RefertoDEIS Appendix!,attachment 1-Of True wind for a moderate icing location, the maximum achievable conservatively considered to be approximately 1150ft."(Refer to [ consider Cohocton to be a heavy icing location where 1150ft. coulc safety, "Another potential public safety concern is the possibility o or a rotor blade dropping or being thrown from the nacelle." (Refei aesthetic, "The greatest impact occurs when the turbines areclose to t In such views, the turbines become focal points and begin to alter th (Refer to DEIS page 110) On property value, "The handful ofprei homes located in the project area or view shed, which would deriv views, may be impacted." (Refer to DEIS page 20 Cushman & Wakel on a house blighted by noise pollution.
My attitude towards the wind industry has hardened considerably af Wind Farm in Pennsylvania. When I first saw this group of 400ft. tu and out of place they are with the natural setting. These things absolul and look as if they belong in the movie War of the Worlds. And the totally prepared me for the unnatural thrashing and whooshing soi Nobody should be forced to live within one mile of these things.
To all Cohocton residents who may fear retribution from relatives or opinion on this proposed project, the time has come to stand up and project time table for fear of an 18 month statewide moratorium on April 26 there will be a public hearing on the special use permit state environmental quality review process is incomplete. Thi lasting negative impact on our small community for decades. We, as to be critical of an industry where survival depends on governmei depreciation allowances. This industry exaggerates the benefits ai admits that its turbines effective full rated capacity factor is only 1 to the unpredictability of wind. Wind farms will only be a supplemen at mitigating climate change. Wind power has almost no relation tc is produced by burning oil. These machines are enormous, the lil comprehend unless you have actually stood underneath them. Th from foundation base to torch. Add another 115ft. to the top ol the colossal height of the C96 turbine that will dominate our Town Board in their infinite wisdom set the maximum allowal no limit set on total number of turbines allowed. The current [ these leviathans to be erected all over Cohocton.
You have to ask yourself, if the proponents assertions that this proj then what will Cohocton look like years from now? Would anybodywillingly move to an industrial wind turbine town? Will the last person to leave the town of UPC please turn off the lights.
Hans Daatselaar
About three years ago an international company called UPC Wind quietly and stealthily slipped into Cohocton and began work on what could be the largest industrial wind turbine project in this region. After years of clandestinely working behind the scenes with town officials and a small group of landholders, the project that has bitterly divided this town was announced to the public in April 2006. The news came in the form of a "we're going to make good neighbors" letter from UPC's Chris Swartley. About this time my neighbor approached me with evert more good news, he had signed a lease agreement with UPC and Dutch Hill was about to be transformed into an industrial electrical generating facility with the addition of 16, 420ft. noise producing, sun shadow flickering, ice throwing, strobe lighted, property value reducing "GOOD NEIGHBORS", the goliath C96 turbine. These monsters will be the biggest in the country with the closest sited 1,500 feet from my house. I was also told in no uncertain terms that nothing could prevent this project from being built so just accept it. My initial reaction was pretty muted and right in line with what the supporters of this project expected. What really energized me was the nasty attitude some of the leaseholders took when I, a non-native, had the audacity to question the conduct of their town government and the placement of turbines in a residential setting. One leaseholder steadfastly insists he can do whatever he wants with his land no matter what the impact on nearby residents or the environment. Bully ing and provocative statements like this were all the incentive I needed to begin researching the wind industry. The more I learned the more outraged and outspoken I've become.
Town officials have a duty to ensure the safety and well-being of all its residents and yet the Cohocton regime is actively promoting UPC and the industrialization of our town. There are ethical questions concerning a town board that has rejected a petition with 215 signatures representing about a quarter of the total number of Cohocton voters asking the board to declare a six month moratorium on wind projects. Board members with close family ties to leaseholders, a senior councilman who has written articles for Yes! Wind Cohocton supporting this project and the chairman of the Planning Board admitting that he is "just doing what he is told". This fascist Cohocton regime will not even open the decision-making process to a referendum of the electorate whereby residents of the town can vote to either permit or prohibit industrial wind turbines.
Wind energy is "green" for those leaseholders who have bought into this scheme with financial gain but what about Ihe rest of us who have serious reservations about an industry that hedges the truth and answers to no-one. Cohocton Wind Mill Law #2 requires a 520ft. turbine setback from non-participating landowner's property lines plus a 1500ft. turbine setback from private dwellings. This law as written, opens up some serious legal issues concerning property rights when the 1500ft. danger zone overshadows private property. In other words private zoned land is being overlapped with an industrial influence. About 3 acres of my land will fall inside the 1500ft. danger zone from turbine # 1. Essentially 1 have lost my building rights to those 3 acres since no dwelling is allowed inside this zone. Even if I could build inside the danger zone, would an insurance company write a policy on a structure inside the danger zone? Will a bank gram a mortgage underthese conditions? There are dozens of non-participating property owners who will be adversely affected by this law! The 1500ft. setback to a dwelling is much too close for a 420ft. turbine and will create serious quality of life, health and safety issues.
Let me be perfectly clear, this project as it is proposed will be less profitable and most likely would be cancelled if the setback distances are increased. The Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for Dutch Hill is available online and at the Town Hall. This voluminous report is incredibly one-sided in UPC's favor; the benefits are repeatedly overstated while the adverse impacts are repeatedly downplayed. And why not. after all UPC selected and p this report. Excessive health-damaging sound levels are one of the \ and dirtiest secrets. How can an engineering firm evaluate the soun which is extremely important for determining increased noise levels is still on the drawing board? Not a problem if you work for UPC, smaller rotor and hope the results are close! (Refer to DEIS 3.7.2. accurate and comprehensive noise analysis on a functioning commen relying on data from a smaller experimental turbine the entire DI critically flawed. This inaccuracy will lead to serious errors in delii turbine sighting. Shadow flicker is theresult of the rotor blades chopp moving shadows. The DEIS report only assumes shadow flicker is window. The consultant has totally ignored shadow flicker on a resi the effects of these large shadows will be impossible to ignore. Car five homes atop Dutch Hill, including mine, will be exposed to thisi per day 180 daysayear.(RefertoDEIS Appendix!,attachment 1-Of True wind for a moderate icing location, the maximum achievable conservatively considered to be approximately 1150ft."(Refer to [ consider Cohocton to be a heavy icing location where 1150ft. coulc safety, "Another potential public safety concern is the possibility o or a rotor blade dropping or being thrown from the nacelle." (Refei aesthetic, "The greatest impact occurs when the turbines areclose to t In such views, the turbines become focal points and begin to alter th (Refer to DEIS page 110) On property value, "The handful ofprei homes located in the project area or view shed, which would deriv views, may be impacted." (Refer to DEIS page 20 Cushman & Wakel on a house blighted by noise pollution.
My attitude towards the wind industry has hardened considerably af Wind Farm in Pennsylvania. When I first saw this group of 400ft. tu and out of place they are with the natural setting. These things absolul and look as if they belong in the movie War of the Worlds. And the totally prepared me for the unnatural thrashing and whooshing soi Nobody should be forced to live within one mile of these things.
To all Cohocton residents who may fear retribution from relatives or opinion on this proposed project, the time has come to stand up and project time table for fear of an 18 month statewide moratorium on April 26 there will be a public hearing on the special use permit state environmental quality review process is incomplete. Thi lasting negative impact on our small community for decades. We, as to be critical of an industry where survival depends on governmei depreciation allowances. This industry exaggerates the benefits ai admits that its turbines effective full rated capacity factor is only 1 to the unpredictability of wind. Wind farms will only be a supplemen at mitigating climate change. Wind power has almost no relation tc is produced by burning oil. These machines are enormous, the lil comprehend unless you have actually stood underneath them. Th from foundation base to torch. Add another 115ft. to the top ol the colossal height of the C96 turbine that will dominate our Town Board in their infinite wisdom set the maximum allowal no limit set on total number of turbines allowed. The current [ these leviathans to be erected all over Cohocton.
You have to ask yourself, if the proponents assertions that this proj then what will Cohocton look like years from now? Would anybodywillingly move to an industrial wind turbine town? Will the last person to leave the town of UPC please turn off the lights.
Hans Daatselaar
Fast Fact Subject Areas about Industrial Wind Turbines
Technology: How an industrial wind turbine works
Output: Introduction to units and terms and how much electricity wind turbines actually produce
Economics: Costs, subsidies, taxes, property values, jobs
Size: Height, weight, supporting infrastructure, space requirements
The Grid: The electrical supply system and wind's place in it
Wildlife: Threats to birds, bats, and other animals
Noise: Ill effects on nearby residents
About NWW: Who we are, where we stand, and why
Also see the NWW introductory fact sheet [22-KB PDF]
Output: Introduction to units and terms and how much electricity wind turbines actually produce
Economics: Costs, subsidies, taxes, property values, jobs
Size: Height, weight, supporting infrastructure, space requirements
The Grid: The electrical supply system and wind's place in it
Wildlife: Threats to birds, bats, and other animals
Noise: Ill effects on nearby residents
About NWW: Who we are, where we stand, and why
Also see the NWW introductory fact sheet [22-KB PDF]
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Press Release: Coalition of Citizens File Anti-Trust Complaint With the Department Of Justice Against the Wind Energy Industry
Naples NY, April 25, 2007
A grass roots coalition of nearly 100 citizens from New York, Vermont, and other states have filed a federal Anti-Trust Complaint alleging that an international cartel comprised of foreign and domestic business entities have conspired to eliminate competition in the newly emerging U.S. wind energy sector.
This Complaint, filed today with the Department Of Justice Anti-Trust Division, maintains that windfarm developers, suppliers, consultants, investors, and in some cases public officials have engaged in illegal geographic Market Allocation, Price Fixing and Bid Rigging in direct violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act.
As a result of this illegal conspiracy thousands of landowners and hundreds of municipalities have been denied substantial monetary gains that otherwise would be available in a free and competitive market.
The 94 citizen Complainants expect that the Department Of Justice will act quickly to assign appropriate resources necessary to investigate and prosecute these allegations and to punish any and all criminal wrongdoing to the full extent of the law. The Complainants also expect that the Department will take appropriate measures to ensure that the members of this international cartel are prevented from retaliating against any of the listed Complainants.
According to the Department Of Justice, price fixing, bid rigging, and market allocation by individuals or companies are felonies currently punishable by maximum individual fines of $1 million, maximum corporate fines of $100 million, and maximum jail terms of 10 years.
Citizens from the following locales in New York are participating: Naples, Cohocton, Wayland, Cape Vincent, Lowville, Stamford, Malone, Wyoming, Cherry Valley, Addison, Canisteo, Allegany, Rochester, North Bangor, Little Falls, Hornell, Fairport, Webster, and Prattsburgh. Citizens from the following locales in Vermont are participating: Sheffield, East Burke, Sutton, and Peacham.
Questions regarding this Complaint, or requests for copies of the entire Complaint, may be directed to:
Bradley E. Jones
3996 Donley Road
Naples NY 14512
585-374-2627 (H), 585-233-8539 (M)
A grass roots coalition of nearly 100 citizens from New York, Vermont, and other states have filed a federal Anti-Trust Complaint alleging that an international cartel comprised of foreign and domestic business entities have conspired to eliminate competition in the newly emerging U.S. wind energy sector.
This Complaint, filed today with the Department Of Justice Anti-Trust Division, maintains that windfarm developers, suppliers, consultants, investors, and in some cases public officials have engaged in illegal geographic Market Allocation, Price Fixing and Bid Rigging in direct violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act.
As a result of this illegal conspiracy thousands of landowners and hundreds of municipalities have been denied substantial monetary gains that otherwise would be available in a free and competitive market.
The 94 citizen Complainants expect that the Department Of Justice will act quickly to assign appropriate resources necessary to investigate and prosecute these allegations and to punish any and all criminal wrongdoing to the full extent of the law. The Complainants also expect that the Department will take appropriate measures to ensure that the members of this international cartel are prevented from retaliating against any of the listed Complainants.
According to the Department Of Justice, price fixing, bid rigging, and market allocation by individuals or companies are felonies currently punishable by maximum individual fines of $1 million, maximum corporate fines of $100 million, and maximum jail terms of 10 years.
Citizens from the following locales in New York are participating: Naples, Cohocton, Wayland, Cape Vincent, Lowville, Stamford, Malone, Wyoming, Cherry Valley, Addison, Canisteo, Allegany, Rochester, North Bangor, Little Falls, Hornell, Fairport, Webster, and Prattsburgh. Citizens from the following locales in Vermont are participating: Sheffield, East Burke, Sutton, and Peacham.
Questions regarding this Complaint, or requests for copies of the entire Complaint, may be directed to:
Bradley E. Jones
3996 Donley Road
Naples NY 14512
585-374-2627 (H), 585-233-8539 (M)
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
How to Refresh and Strengthen the Public Record by F. Jeffrey Goldthwait
I strongly recommend that each oral and written presenter at the Planning Board public hearing scheduled for 7pm tomorrow consider using, as part of their oral remarks and/or written filing(s), the following wording and format for relevant documents previously filed. This action will serve to preserve, strengthen and refresh the public record on our behalf.
"I hereby incorporate by reference and file as part of the record of this public hearing the following documents:"
(Insert here the Type of Document Title, Date, Author, Addressee(s) and, if applicable, Date Previously Filed and/or Received by Addressee(s).)
For example:
1. Letter to Town Board and Planning Board of Cohocton, by Dr. F. Jeffrey Goldthwait, dated June 20, 2006, filed with and received by Cohocton Town Clerk on June 20, 2006.
2. Research Study Noise Radiation From Wind Turbines Installed Near Homes: Effects on Health (With appendix on Wind Turbine effects on property values) by B.J. Frey & P.J. Hadden, February 2007 v.1. Hand delivered by Dr. F. Jeffrey Goldthwait to Raymond Schrader, Chairman, Planning Board on April 5, 2007.
3. Notarized covering Affidavit dated November 17, 2006 and: 1. Petition for Moratorium On All Industrial Wind Turbine Projects In The Town Of Cohocton, N.Y. with 215 duly witnessed signatories and 2. Petition for Immediate Review, Revision and Update of The "Comprehensive Master Plan' For the Town and Village of Cohocton, New York" with 196 duly witnessed signatories filed with and received by Cohocton Town Clerk on November 17, 2006.
"I hereby incorporate by reference and file as part of the record of this public hearing the following documents:"
(Insert here the Type of Document Title, Date, Author, Addressee(s) and, if applicable, Date Previously Filed and/or Received by Addressee(s).)
For example:
1. Letter to Town Board and Planning Board of Cohocton, by Dr. F. Jeffrey Goldthwait, dated June 20, 2006, filed with and received by Cohocton Town Clerk on June 20, 2006.
2. Research Study Noise Radiation From Wind Turbines Installed Near Homes: Effects on Health (With appendix on Wind Turbine effects on property values) by B.J. Frey & P.J. Hadden, February 2007 v.1. Hand delivered by Dr. F. Jeffrey Goldthwait to Raymond Schrader, Chairman, Planning Board on April 5, 2007.
3. Notarized covering Affidavit dated November 17, 2006 and: 1. Petition for Moratorium On All Industrial Wind Turbine Projects In The Town Of Cohocton, N.Y. with 215 duly witnessed signatories and 2. Petition for Immediate Review, Revision and Update of The "Comprehensive Master Plan' For the Town and Village of Cohocton, New York" with 196 duly witnessed signatories filed with and received by Cohocton Town Clerk on November 17, 2006.
Hamburg Against The Wind?
Buffalo, NY (WBEN) - Hamburg Town officials have begun considering a moratorium on windmill energy in the town, designed to keep the Steel Winds project at the former Bethlehem Steel site in Lackawanna, from putting up more turbines in their town without scrutiny.
Board members heard several pro-windmill comments during a public hearing on the moratorium Monday night. Supporters praised the project as a way to rejuvenate the fallow - and in some cases- toxic Bethlehem site.
"You can't possibly be from this earth, if you see the site as it is today and expect green grass.. and nice meadows," says Mark Mitskovsky of Steel Winds project sponsor BQ Energy.
For more comments from the hearing, click the audio link above, for a report from WBEN's Steve Cichon.
The Hamburg Town Board is expected to vote on the issue in May.
Board members heard several pro-windmill comments during a public hearing on the moratorium Monday night. Supporters praised the project as a way to rejuvenate the fallow - and in some cases- toxic Bethlehem site.
"You can't possibly be from this earth, if you see the site as it is today and expect green grass.. and nice meadows," says Mark Mitskovsky of Steel Winds project sponsor BQ Energy.
For more comments from the hearing, click the audio link above, for a report from WBEN's Steve Cichon.
The Hamburg Town Board is expected to vote on the issue in May.
Thursday, April 26, 2007 Cohocton Planning Board (Lead Agency) Public Hearing on Site Approval for UPC Cohocton/Dutch Hill Project. This is your last opportunity to submit written opposition documents into the legal record on site locations. The Cohocton Planning Board will soon be voting on the issuance of special use permits.
Time for this public hearing is 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM at the Cohocton Elementary School, 30 Park Ave., Cohocton, NY.
You will be able to address and make verbal comments before the Planning Board. Be specific with your remarks to individual turbine locations and siting problems. Obtain a receipt for any documents that you will submit.
THIS PUBLIC HEARING IS PREMATURE AND SHOULD NOT TAKE PLACE. Register your objection to this unlawful process and tell the Planning Board they bear the legal responsibility of damages stemming from their illegitimate actions.
Express your OUTRAGE at the “rubber stamp” conduct of Planning Board. To this date NO response by the Cohocton Planning Board has been provided to the thousands of pages of opposition documentation that are part of the legal record.
The Planning Board acts as the “TOOL” of the UPC developer. There has never been any independent and common sense perspective that provides for the public safety and protection of all Cohocton property owners.
Demand that the honorable course for each and every planning board member is to vote down any “special use” permit or resign and put a stop to the fraud of the single UPC project. Cohocton and Dutch Hill are really one big industrial development.
The SEQRA procedure has been circumvented and abused at every stage in the process. The chairman of the planning board admits that he does what he is told to do. The Albany law firm, paid for by UPC, admits that they work only for the Cohocton Town Board. The factual translation is that attorney Todd Mathes represents UPC.
Cohocton citizens were told by attorney Daniel Ruzow, from the same law firm, there would be a separate and individual public hearing on EACH site location for every industrial wind turbine. This has not happened and is one more example of the lies, deception and deceit that is the hallmark of this UPC project.
Cohocton residents and property owners need to demand accountability and restitution for the theft of our land and endangerment of our public health. Come out and express your disgust and disdain for the UPC development to the Cohocton Planning Board.
They can vote to deny site approval for ANY specific industrial wind turbine. It is up to you to insist that “special use” permits must not be issued. In the event that such approval is granted, legal action will be constituted against each particular turbine and all participants involved in this illegal scam.
Leaseholders bear the final economic responsibility for damages and will be named in future legal actions. Cohocton has been ill served by the decisions of the Planning Board.
Come to this public hearing and tell the planning board to put an end to this disgraceful abuse of the public trust.
James Hall
Time for this public hearing is 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM at the Cohocton Elementary School, 30 Park Ave., Cohocton, NY.
You will be able to address and make verbal comments before the Planning Board. Be specific with your remarks to individual turbine locations and siting problems. Obtain a receipt for any documents that you will submit.
THIS PUBLIC HEARING IS PREMATURE AND SHOULD NOT TAKE PLACE. Register your objection to this unlawful process and tell the Planning Board they bear the legal responsibility of damages stemming from their illegitimate actions.
Express your OUTRAGE at the “rubber stamp” conduct of Planning Board. To this date NO response by the Cohocton Planning Board has been provided to the thousands of pages of opposition documentation that are part of the legal record.
The Planning Board acts as the “TOOL” of the UPC developer. There has never been any independent and common sense perspective that provides for the public safety and protection of all Cohocton property owners.
Demand that the honorable course for each and every planning board member is to vote down any “special use” permit or resign and put a stop to the fraud of the single UPC project. Cohocton and Dutch Hill are really one big industrial development.
The SEQRA procedure has been circumvented and abused at every stage in the process. The chairman of the planning board admits that he does what he is told to do. The Albany law firm, paid for by UPC, admits that they work only for the Cohocton Town Board. The factual translation is that attorney Todd Mathes represents UPC.
Cohocton citizens were told by attorney Daniel Ruzow, from the same law firm, there would be a separate and individual public hearing on EACH site location for every industrial wind turbine. This has not happened and is one more example of the lies, deception and deceit that is the hallmark of this UPC project.
Cohocton residents and property owners need to demand accountability and restitution for the theft of our land and endangerment of our public health. Come out and express your disgust and disdain for the UPC development to the Cohocton Planning Board.
They can vote to deny site approval for ANY specific industrial wind turbine. It is up to you to insist that “special use” permits must not be issued. In the event that such approval is granted, legal action will be constituted against each particular turbine and all participants involved in this illegal scam.
Leaseholders bear the final economic responsibility for damages and will be named in future legal actions. Cohocton has been ill served by the decisions of the Planning Board.
Come to this public hearing and tell the planning board to put an end to this disgraceful abuse of the public trust.
James Hall
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
The state's surging industrial windmill developers may be becalmed for 18 months, if state Sen. Jim Alesi has his way.
The state legislator from Perinton, a suburb of Rochester, introduced a bill Wednesday, April 18, calling for an 18-month moratorium on wind projects while New York State works out a comprehensive policy to regulate the newly arrived, fast-growing, but increasingly resisted energy-production option.
State Sen. Jim Seward, R-Milford, has signed on as a co-sponsor.
Meanwhile, opposition to 69 turbines planned between Van Hornesville and Jordanville in southern Herkimer County continues to mount in the Russian Orthodox community. In recent days, the Community of St. Elizabeth has joined Holy Trinity Monastery, center of that faith outside of Russia, with Mother Barbara, a member of the small group of nuns there, calling the towers "monstrous."
The goal of Alesi's bill, the senator said while en route home from the state Capitol after introducing his proposal, is "to give a working group an opportunity for a broad-based approach, well-thought-out across the board, not piecemeal."
The Town of Cherry Valley imposed a 90-day moratorium while it developed and then adopted among the most stringent regulations in the state government wind project. Since that decision, Reunion Power of Manchester, Vt., which had been seeking to building 24 400-foot-tall wind turbines in the town's East Hill section, seems to have disappeared.
Between Van Hornesville and Jordanville, however, plans have appeared to be moving forward on a proposal by Community Energy, a subsidiary of the Spanish multi-national corporation, Iberdola. Those turbines, in the towns of Warren and Stark, would be visible from parts of Otsego County, perhaps from as far away as the docks at Cooperstown, particularly at night.
This is exactly the situation - similar to one in Town of Hamlin in Alesi's district - that the senator hopes to remedy. The Town of Hamlin was approched by Competive Power Ventures Inc. of Massachusetts but - aftr 100 people protested - adopted a one-year moratorium on March 12.
"In a lot of these small towns," he said, "a few thousand bucks is very attractive to them."
But neighboring towns, Alesi continued, would have to cope with the impacts - the noise, possible health threats, visual pollution, and environmental threats - without any of the benefits.
If the moratorium is adopted, the idea would be to convene representatives of all interested parties - the energy agencies, business groups, the state Department of Environmental Conservation, preservationists and local-government representatives - to determine how the state should regulate wind-power development. Some 3,200 turbines are now on the drawing boards statewide.
Among the ideas to be considered, Alesi said, is whether the siting of turbines should have to meet state criteria, or perhaps they could be regulated by region. Certainly, he said, all communities that are impacted by the placement of turbines should have a say in the final decision.
He likened his proposal to what happened with cellphones: The state Legislature adopted a statewide ban on driving while talking on a cell phone because, absent state law, county legislatures started passing local laws. It got to the point where drivers didn't know if they were in a
county that allowed it or not.
His proposal, Alesi said, is not anti-wind harvesting, although he said questions continue to arise about the benefits of windpower. For instance, it's turning out not to be as inexpensive an alternative as people thought it would be originally.
For his part, Andy Minnig of Advocates for Cherry Valley, called the Alesi-Seward bill "a splendid idea."
In her letter to the Town of Warren, lead agency in the Van Hornesville-Jordanville project, Mother Barbara begged town residents and leaders to consider the psychological effect of the 69 turbines.
"These towers are monstrous," she said in a phone interview. "The constant movement and the noise will have a profound effect psychologically on everyone in the area. And flying ice from the blades is a concern in winter. I don't know why people aren't concerned."
Mother Barbara has been visiting Jordanville since she was a child growing up in Toronto. Her parents took annual pilgrimages to the monastery from the time she was 5.
"The drive up the mountain is something that was always with me - and the beauty of the area and the hills," she said. Now she sees that experience reflected in the faces and comments from visitors who come to the monstery seeking respite from the noise and hustle of modern life.
"You can go into even the smallest Orthodox church anywhere in the world, and they'll know about Jordanville," said the nun, who has lived at the community for 11 years. "I don't think local residents here understand is that Jordanville is on the world map. It's a world center. As humble as it is, it's known worldwide. Churches all look to the monastery for guidance and answers."
She fears the turbines will destroy a place that is not only central to her faith, but also her own home.
The state legislator from Perinton, a suburb of Rochester, introduced a bill Wednesday, April 18, calling for an 18-month moratorium on wind projects while New York State works out a comprehensive policy to regulate the newly arrived, fast-growing, but increasingly resisted energy-production option.
State Sen. Jim Seward, R-Milford, has signed on as a co-sponsor.
Meanwhile, opposition to 69 turbines planned between Van Hornesville and Jordanville in southern Herkimer County continues to mount in the Russian Orthodox community. In recent days, the Community of St. Elizabeth has joined Holy Trinity Monastery, center of that faith outside of Russia, with Mother Barbara, a member of the small group of nuns there, calling the towers "monstrous."
The goal of Alesi's bill, the senator said while en route home from the state Capitol after introducing his proposal, is "to give a working group an opportunity for a broad-based approach, well-thought-out across the board, not piecemeal."
The Town of Cherry Valley imposed a 90-day moratorium while it developed and then adopted among the most stringent regulations in the state government wind project. Since that decision, Reunion Power of Manchester, Vt., which had been seeking to building 24 400-foot-tall wind turbines in the town's East Hill section, seems to have disappeared.
Between Van Hornesville and Jordanville, however, plans have appeared to be moving forward on a proposal by Community Energy, a subsidiary of the Spanish multi-national corporation, Iberdola. Those turbines, in the towns of Warren and Stark, would be visible from parts of Otsego County, perhaps from as far away as the docks at Cooperstown, particularly at night.
This is exactly the situation - similar to one in Town of Hamlin in Alesi's district - that the senator hopes to remedy. The Town of Hamlin was approched by Competive Power Ventures Inc. of Massachusetts but - aftr 100 people protested - adopted a one-year moratorium on March 12.
"In a lot of these small towns," he said, "a few thousand bucks is very attractive to them."
But neighboring towns, Alesi continued, would have to cope with the impacts - the noise, possible health threats, visual pollution, and environmental threats - without any of the benefits.
If the moratorium is adopted, the idea would be to convene representatives of all interested parties - the energy agencies, business groups, the state Department of Environmental Conservation, preservationists and local-government representatives - to determine how the state should regulate wind-power development. Some 3,200 turbines are now on the drawing boards statewide.
Among the ideas to be considered, Alesi said, is whether the siting of turbines should have to meet state criteria, or perhaps they could be regulated by region. Certainly, he said, all communities that are impacted by the placement of turbines should have a say in the final decision.
He likened his proposal to what happened with cellphones: The state Legislature adopted a statewide ban on driving while talking on a cell phone because, absent state law, county legislatures started passing local laws. It got to the point where drivers didn't know if they were in a
county that allowed it or not.
His proposal, Alesi said, is not anti-wind harvesting, although he said questions continue to arise about the benefits of windpower. For instance, it's turning out not to be as inexpensive an alternative as people thought it would be originally.
For his part, Andy Minnig of Advocates for Cherry Valley, called the Alesi-Seward bill "a splendid idea."
In her letter to the Town of Warren, lead agency in the Van Hornesville-Jordanville project, Mother Barbara begged town residents and leaders to consider the psychological effect of the 69 turbines.
"These towers are monstrous," she said in a phone interview. "The constant movement and the noise will have a profound effect psychologically on everyone in the area. And flying ice from the blades is a concern in winter. I don't know why people aren't concerned."
Mother Barbara has been visiting Jordanville since she was a child growing up in Toronto. Her parents took annual pilgrimages to the monastery from the time she was 5.
"The drive up the mountain is something that was always with me - and the beauty of the area and the hills," she said. Now she sees that experience reflected in the faces and comments from visitors who come to the monstery seeking respite from the noise and hustle of modern life.
"You can go into even the smallest Orthodox church anywhere in the world, and they'll know about Jordanville," said the nun, who has lived at the community for 11 years. "I don't think local residents here understand is that Jordanville is on the world map. It's a world center. As humble as it is, it's known worldwide. Churches all look to the monastery for guidance and answers."
She fears the turbines will destroy a place that is not only central to her faith, but also her own home.
In support of a wind moratorium - PAT LYNCH
Regarding wind farms, which are causing havoc in all communities throughout the state where they are under consideration, along with destroying the environment for the people living there and nature: It is refreshing to note that there is a state senator who is listening to his people and who recently said he plans to introduce legislation in support of an 18-month moratorium on this hot topic. Even those of us who cannot vote for him need to applaud his effort in this. So I say, hats off and thank you, Sen. Jim Alesi, R-Perinton. I wish you success.
Limits of Solar and Wind Power
According to the US Energy Information Administration, renewable energy accounted for 6% of all 2003 energy, and of that 6%, only 1% was from solar and 2% from wind (the rest coming from biomass, geothermal and hydroelectric). This means that solar and wind comprise .06 x (.01 + .02) = .0018 of US energy. Accounting for less than 0.2% of energy, solar and wind would have to increase by a factor of over 500 to replace other energy. Multiplying the 500-fold increase in solar/wind by the 180-fold increase in production means that energy from solar/wind would have to increase by a factor of 90,000 by 2050 for people throughout the world to consume at the rate of the richest 5% in the US.
(Click to read the entire article)
(Click to read the entire article)
Hamlin's Wind Tower Committee has undergone more changes in leadership. The original committee, formed to discuss and research the feasibility of wind
Hamlin's Wind Tower Committee has undergone more changes in leadership. The original committee, formed to discuss and research the feasibility of wind towers in the town, was chaired by Art McFarlane. He resigned in March and committee member Mark Reeves was appointed. Reeves stepped down from the leadership role in early April to be replaced by Linda DeRue.
Town Supervisor Dennis Roach said, "The leadership roles were changed because the committee felt they weren't making the progress they wanted to. The committee felt they needed some new direction in order to keep moving forward."
The committee is now comprised of: Jerry Borkholder, Linda DeRue, Ed Evans, Edward Haight, Tom Jensen, David Lukas, Mark Reeves, Andrew Simpson and Lester Wilson.
(Click to read entire article)
Town Supervisor Dennis Roach said, "The leadership roles were changed because the committee felt they weren't making the progress they wanted to. The committee felt they needed some new direction in order to keep moving forward."
The committee is now comprised of: Jerry Borkholder, Linda DeRue, Ed Evans, Edward Haight, Tom Jensen, David Lukas, Mark Reeves, Andrew Simpson and Lester Wilson.
(Click to read entire article)
Photo simulations submitted for LIPA's proposed offshore wind farm offer a limited, possibly undersized view of the 40-turbine array as it will appear
Photo simulations submitted for LIPA's proposed offshore wind farm offer a limited, possibly undersized view of the 40-turbine array as it will appear in South Shore waters, a town supervisor charged yesterday.
After a study it commissioned last fall by a third-party imaging firm, the Town of Babylon produced its own photo simulations of the wind farm and found that, by comparison, the turbines portrayed in the Long Island Power Authority's submissions "look smaller," according to a report expected to be released today.
The study found the LIPA photo analysis, conducted by an outside company, to be "incomplete," lacking in resolution and a range of lens depictions to provide a breadth of viewpoints. Babylon Supervisor Steve Bellone said the analysis, combined with a study his office conducted of the estimated construction costs of the project, lead to concerns.
"It's definitely not an accurate representation of what people will see if this project ever were to be built," said Bellone, who will present his findings at a conference at Gilgo Beach this morning at 11. "We consistently see an effort with this project to exaggerate the benefits and downplay the costs, financial or otherwise."
(Click to read entire article)
After a study it commissioned last fall by a third-party imaging firm, the Town of Babylon produced its own photo simulations of the wind farm and found that, by comparison, the turbines portrayed in the Long Island Power Authority's submissions "look smaller," according to a report expected to be released today.
The study found the LIPA photo analysis, conducted by an outside company, to be "incomplete," lacking in resolution and a range of lens depictions to provide a breadth of viewpoints. Babylon Supervisor Steve Bellone said the analysis, combined with a study his office conducted of the estimated construction costs of the project, lead to concerns.
"It's definitely not an accurate representation of what people will see if this project ever were to be built," said Bellone, who will present his findings at a conference at Gilgo Beach this morning at 11. "We consistently see an effort with this project to exaggerate the benefits and downplay the costs, financial or otherwise."
(Click to read entire article)
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Spring hat fashions for the well dressed wind proponent!

Celebrate Earth day with these high tech energy producer that will revolutionary the wind industry. Add additional current and improve your brain power with a direct connection of wind. User friendly with a style only appreciated by lovers of efficient and abundant energy. Be the first on your block to show you care - it's all for the children . . .

One size fits all, no setbacks problems or height restrictions. All fall under the Empire "DANGER" Zone and made to international standards. No money guarantee, what you see is what you get. Protect your head from the summer sun even if seasonal wind stops blowing. YES - a natural gift for all your friends – especially for board members and town officials.
Case Study from RG&E from Brad Jones
Regarding carbon emissions, every one of the Renewable Standards and all of the Environmental Impact Statements claim that wind power will add value to the grid and displace older dirtier coal plants.
Here is the reality.
In 1948 Rochester Gas and Electric (local utility) built Russell Station on Lake Ontario, a coal-fired power plant. For many decades it was a large contributor to the local grid. Russell initially had no scrubbing system, although electrolytic units were added some twenty years ago to capture carbon/soot (not carbon dioxide or nitrogen or sulphur oxides).
Russell was shut down in 2003 under pressure from the EPA for ongoing violations of clean air rules.
With all of the wind power now becoming available one would expect that Russell would stay shut down. After all its capacity of 257 MW pales compared to the nameplate capacity of the 500 to 1000 wind turbines planned for the area.
However RG&E has just announced that they will spend $500M to re-power Russell using the latest clean coal technology. (Clean coal means minimal carbon, nitrogen, and sulphur but the same amount of CO2. Thus they are spending just under $2M per MW of generating capacity.
They are also re-fitting two small hydro stations on the Genesee River that will generate 9 MW for a capital cost of $2.2M per MW.
By comparison, a 1.5 MW wind turbine operates at about 10% of capacity here and costs about $1.5M so the capital cost for wind is about $10M per MW of generating capacity.
These numbers clearly argue against continued investments in wind; feel free to use them as you wish; the source of this data is the Rochester Business Journal, 4-20-07.
Brad Jones
Here is the reality.
In 1948 Rochester Gas and Electric (local utility) built Russell Station on Lake Ontario, a coal-fired power plant. For many decades it was a large contributor to the local grid. Russell initially had no scrubbing system, although electrolytic units were added some twenty years ago to capture carbon/soot (not carbon dioxide or nitrogen or sulphur oxides).
Russell was shut down in 2003 under pressure from the EPA for ongoing violations of clean air rules.
With all of the wind power now becoming available one would expect that Russell would stay shut down. After all its capacity of 257 MW pales compared to the nameplate capacity of the 500 to 1000 wind turbines planned for the area.
However RG&E has just announced that they will spend $500M to re-power Russell using the latest clean coal technology. (Clean coal means minimal carbon, nitrogen, and sulphur but the same amount of CO2. Thus they are spending just under $2M per MW of generating capacity.
They are also re-fitting two small hydro stations on the Genesee River that will generate 9 MW for a capital cost of $2.2M per MW.
By comparison, a 1.5 MW wind turbine operates at about 10% of capacity here and costs about $1.5M so the capital cost for wind is about $10M per MW of generating capacity.
These numbers clearly argue against continued investments in wind; feel free to use them as you wish; the source of this data is the Rochester Business Journal, 4-20-07.
Brad Jones
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Friday, April 20, 2007
Power lines link to cancer in new alert by Nicholas Cecil
A secret report has raised fresh fears of a link between power lines and cancer.
The confidential study, obtained by the Evening Standard, urges ministers to consider banning the building of homes and schools close to overhead high-voltage power cables because of possible health risks.
It says a ban is the best way to reduce significantly exposure to electromagnetic fields from the electricity grid system.
The report was drawn up by scientists, electricity company bosses, the National Grid, government officials and campaigners over two years after the Health Protection Agency accepted there was a weak statistical "association" between prolonged exposure to power fields and childhood leukaemia.
(Click to read entire article)
The confidential study, obtained by the Evening Standard, urges ministers to consider banning the building of homes and schools close to overhead high-voltage power cables because of possible health risks.
It says a ban is the best way to reduce significantly exposure to electromagnetic fields from the electricity grid system.
The report was drawn up by scientists, electricity company bosses, the National Grid, government officials and campaigners over two years after the Health Protection Agency accepted there was a weak statistical "association" between prolonged exposure to power fields and childhood leukaemia.
(Click to read entire article)
Alberta turns to natural gas after wind lessens reliability
Alberta power utility Enmax Corp. said yesterday it is building a huge new power station in Southern Alberta fired with natural gas, partly to help boost the provincial grid's reliability after Alberta's aggressive expansion into wind energy made it vulnerable to power disruption.
"We now have so much windpower generation that we need to fall back on reliable sources of power," said Peter Hunt, an Enmax spokesman.
"The problem with wind power is that the wind doesn't blow all the time, so the greater percentage of the system depends on wind, the more vulnerable to disruption the system becomes when the wind stops blowing."
(Click to read entire article)
"We now have so much windpower generation that we need to fall back on reliable sources of power," said Peter Hunt, an Enmax spokesman.
"The problem with wind power is that the wind doesn't blow all the time, so the greater percentage of the system depends on wind, the more vulnerable to disruption the system becomes when the wind stops blowing."
(Click to read entire article)
Greenbrier windfarm by Christian Giggenbach
Wednesday’s decision by the state Supreme Court to enter into Greenbrier County’s windfarm debate was met, expectedly, with elation by opponents of the planned project and grim determination by its developers.
Mountain Communities for Responsible Energy (MCRE) — the leading voice against the project — has spent about $50,000 in its efforts to stop 124 electric-producing wind turbines from being built in northern Greenbrier County.
MCRE spokesman Dave Buhrman said Thursday he felt “encouraged” by the Supreme Court’s decision to determine whether the Public Service Commission erred in giving Beech Ridge Energy a conditional building permit. Buhrman said the fight against the windfarm has been difficult, but worthwhile.
(Click to read entire article)
Mountain Communities for Responsible Energy (MCRE) — the leading voice against the project — has spent about $50,000 in its efforts to stop 124 electric-producing wind turbines from being built in northern Greenbrier County.
MCRE spokesman Dave Buhrman said Thursday he felt “encouraged” by the Supreme Court’s decision to determine whether the Public Service Commission erred in giving Beech Ridge Energy a conditional building permit. Buhrman said the fight against the windfarm has been difficult, but worthwhile.
(Click to read entire article)
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Progress? At whose expense? Could be yours!
Are you a property owner in the Southern Tier? Do you enjoy a summer home, recreational property, fishing, and hunting or just like to get away from it all? Your country abode may be threatened by projects that directly affect your country peace and solitude.
The towns of Eagle, Centerville and Farmersville are being eyed for 200 of the 400’ high wind turbines. Ridge tops will be clear cut and access roads built. Scenic vistas will be obliterated by the industrial sized machines, making the ‘Enchanted Mountains of Cattaraugus County’ a thing of the past. Some landowners have already negotiated agreements.
We are all in agreement that as a society we need to explore greener energy choices, but should this be at the expense of the residents and visitors to our area? The best way to help the environment is to conserve, not build industrial wind farms to perpetuate energy greed!
Who really benefits from this supposed ‘green energy’ — energy at the expense of those in the Southern Tier. The energy produced by large wind farms is taken via transmission Lines to Large metropolitan areas with huge energy needs. Progress toward greener energy? At whose expense? Yours.
Large turbines are associated with shadow flicker known to cause both migraines and seizures. Additionally, ice buildup can dislodge and be thrown hundreds if not thousands of feet. Will your hunting cabin or summer home be in harm’s way? Noise from the wind turbines is yet another problem. The World Health Organization states that 30 decibels can cause sleep disturbances and accompanying health problems. Those for our region are rated at 45-50 decibels in a 30 mph wind velocity. The wind velocity is frequently higher in this area. What noise level you be subjected to during your weekend stay? Setbacks discussed at local town board meetings are not strict enough to eliminate concerns of shadow flicker, ice throw or noise.
If you own or enjoy property in these areas, make every attempt to attend local town board meetings and Let your taxpaying voice be heard lest you find a wind turbine in your backyard! The next public hearing will be at 7 p.m., tonight at Farmersville Town Hall.
The towns of Eagle, Centerville and Farmersville are being eyed for 200 of the 400’ high wind turbines. Ridge tops will be clear cut and access roads built. Scenic vistas will be obliterated by the industrial sized machines, making the ‘Enchanted Mountains of Cattaraugus County’ a thing of the past. Some landowners have already negotiated agreements.
We are all in agreement that as a society we need to explore greener energy choices, but should this be at the expense of the residents and visitors to our area? The best way to help the environment is to conserve, not build industrial wind farms to perpetuate energy greed!
Who really benefits from this supposed ‘green energy’ — energy at the expense of those in the Southern Tier. The energy produced by large wind farms is taken via transmission Lines to Large metropolitan areas with huge energy needs. Progress toward greener energy? At whose expense? Yours.
Large turbines are associated with shadow flicker known to cause both migraines and seizures. Additionally, ice buildup can dislodge and be thrown hundreds if not thousands of feet. Will your hunting cabin or summer home be in harm’s way? Noise from the wind turbines is yet another problem. The World Health Organization states that 30 decibels can cause sleep disturbances and accompanying health problems. Those for our region are rated at 45-50 decibels in a 30 mph wind velocity. The wind velocity is frequently higher in this area. What noise level you be subjected to during your weekend stay? Setbacks discussed at local town board meetings are not strict enough to eliminate concerns of shadow flicker, ice throw or noise.
If you own or enjoy property in these areas, make every attempt to attend local town board meetings and Let your taxpaying voice be heard lest you find a wind turbine in your backyard! The next public hearing will be at 7 p.m., tonight at Farmersville Town Hall.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Wind park developer loses court appeal
Plans for a proposed 34-turbine wind farm in Bear Creek Township are still grounded, as Energy Unlimited Inc. lost another appeal in court Thursday.
Commonwealth Court rejected Energy Unlimited’s appeal for reargument, throwing out the company’s claim that the court misinterpreted the law in siding with township supervisors Feb. 16. Township Solicitor William Vinsko argued at the Dec. 11 hearing that the company presented preliminary plans for 25 of the turbines that were incomplete and didn’t address all zoning questions.
(Click to read entire article)
Commonwealth Court rejected Energy Unlimited’s appeal for reargument, throwing out the company’s claim that the court misinterpreted the law in siding with township supervisors Feb. 16. Township Solicitor William Vinsko argued at the Dec. 11 hearing that the company presented preliminary plans for 25 of the turbines that were incomplete and didn’t address all zoning questions.
(Click to read entire article)
Monday, April 16, 2007
The Zoning Board of Appeals Town of Sheldon letter by Nadja Laska
April 16,2007
To The Zoning Board of Appeals Town of Sheldon
Re: Public Hearing: Held on April12,2007 Variances requested by: Sheldon Energy LLC / High Sheldon Wind Farm
Please let the record show that I object to this meeting proceeding forward as a "continuation" of the Public Hearing held on April 12,2007.
I believe this meeting to be an "unlawful" assembly of this board and any business conducted here in to be invalid. I believe this board acted improperly and unlawfully on April 12,2007 by not taking public comment on variance requests:
2) Variance for Setback from Overhead Electric Lines.
3) Variance for Setback from Gas Distribution Lines.
4) Variance from Road Setback.
5) Variance from Underground Cable Requirement. Each variance must be heard separately.
You did not do this, but rather only opened public comment on Variance (1) Buried Cable. I was prepared to offer additional comment on remaining variances.
However, you closed the public comments and did not reopen for public comments on said remaining variances. You then motioned and accepted to table voting on the 5 variances requested by Sheldon Energyto seek legal advice from Town Attorney DiFlippio who was not present.
In conclusion, you motioned to adjourn the Public Hearing at which time the majority of the public in attendance left the building in the belief that the meeting date would be published and that they would again be notified. This did not occur. Upon the advice of applicant's attorney Mr. Spitzer the board decided to recess rather than adjourn to avoid publishing public notice. As such, this only benefits the applicant and denies the Public of "Due Process."
Respectfully submitted,
Nadja Laska
To The Zoning Board of Appeals Town of Sheldon
Re: Public Hearing: Held on April12,2007 Variances requested by: Sheldon Energy LLC / High Sheldon Wind Farm
Please let the record show that I object to this meeting proceeding forward as a "continuation" of the Public Hearing held on April 12,2007.
I believe this meeting to be an "unlawful" assembly of this board and any business conducted here in to be invalid. I believe this board acted improperly and unlawfully on April 12,2007 by not taking public comment on variance requests:
2) Variance for Setback from Overhead Electric Lines.
3) Variance for Setback from Gas Distribution Lines.
4) Variance from Road Setback.
5) Variance from Underground Cable Requirement. Each variance must be heard separately.
You did not do this, but rather only opened public comment on Variance (1) Buried Cable. I was prepared to offer additional comment on remaining variances.
However, you closed the public comments and did not reopen for public comments on said remaining variances. You then motioned and accepted to table voting on the 5 variances requested by Sheldon Energyto seek legal advice from Town Attorney DiFlippio who was not present.
In conclusion, you motioned to adjourn the Public Hearing at which time the majority of the public in attendance left the building in the belief that the meeting date would be published and that they would again be notified. This did not occur. Upon the advice of applicant's attorney Mr. Spitzer the board decided to recess rather than adjourn to avoid publishing public notice. As such, this only benefits the applicant and denies the Public of "Due Process."
Respectfully submitted,
Nadja Laska
SCIDA Vote on UPC Prattsburgh
Thursday, April 26, 2007 - 12:00 PM
SCIDA office Route 54, Bath, NY
Note that SCIDA has not responded to the 500 + pages of CWW opposition to the UPC Prattsburgh Project.
This meeting is open to the public. Urge a large turn out.
SCIDA office Route 54, Bath, NY
Note that SCIDA has not responded to the 500 + pages of CWW opposition to the UPC Prattsburgh Project.
This meeting is open to the public. Urge a large turn out.
Good Stewards of Cohocton by Kathleen Armitage
I hear the pro-wind folks and the Industrial Wind developers shouting that wind power in America, specifically, Cohocton, will change the world.
But will it even make a dent?
I see the leaseholders/large landowners, mostly farmers and their relatives in Cohocton, touting this theory. No one mentions the fact that a major cause of global warming is animal farming. That is right folks! Wake up and smell the fumes!
The global production of making animals for human use and consumption has eliminated forests, used up our natural resources, contaminated the land with pesticides and herbicides, given rise to widespread air and water pollution. Now it has people believing that wind power is the way to go. We should wipe out even more of the natural land. Don't plant trees or green crops. Erect undocumented monstrous Industrial Wind Turbines in Residential areas. Then we can try and convince ourselves they are quaint, additions to the natural landscape. All will be well with the world! We will be doing our part to save humanity!
My dairy farming neighbors spew raw sewage on their land that soaks into OUR town and village water supply. They force antibiotics, growth hormones, artificial insemination, over crowded inhumane and unsanitary conditions on their animal crops, AS WELL AS ON US.
Some even remove the cow tails to make it easier! Cows have tails to keep the flies out of their butts! How would you feel? I have a fantasy of duct taping their tails back on them in the middle of the night. As well as on the cows care-givers! Well, back to reality---do forgive me for ranting!
If our good stewards of the land our faming neighbors thought about life on the planet as a WHOLE, they might conclude that all life is valuable and worth treating with respect. Kindness and equity are qualities I strive for. I would hope to be treated with such.
Consciously grow trees, plants, domestic and wildlife all contributes to a healthy environment. The wholesale slaughter of them only contributes to the degradation of our planets CO2 levels, health, air, water and natural resources.
So, to all the neighbors that surround the leaseholders of Cohocton, I say, use less meat products, plant trees, rise up and protest the CROPPING of Industrial Wind Turbines. Vote for change this fall in Cohocton, try to buy organically raised crops and animals and then we can say we are GOOD STEWARDS of the LAND.
But will it even make a dent?
I see the leaseholders/large landowners, mostly farmers and their relatives in Cohocton, touting this theory. No one mentions the fact that a major cause of global warming is animal farming. That is right folks! Wake up and smell the fumes!
The global production of making animals for human use and consumption has eliminated forests, used up our natural resources, contaminated the land with pesticides and herbicides, given rise to widespread air and water pollution. Now it has people believing that wind power is the way to go. We should wipe out even more of the natural land. Don't plant trees or green crops. Erect undocumented monstrous Industrial Wind Turbines in Residential areas. Then we can try and convince ourselves they are quaint, additions to the natural landscape. All will be well with the world! We will be doing our part to save humanity!
My dairy farming neighbors spew raw sewage on their land that soaks into OUR town and village water supply. They force antibiotics, growth hormones, artificial insemination, over crowded inhumane and unsanitary conditions on their animal crops, AS WELL AS ON US.
Some even remove the cow tails to make it easier! Cows have tails to keep the flies out of their butts! How would you feel? I have a fantasy of duct taping their tails back on them in the middle of the night. As well as on the cows care-givers! Well, back to reality---do forgive me for ranting!
If our good stewards of the land our faming neighbors thought about life on the planet as a WHOLE, they might conclude that all life is valuable and worth treating with respect. Kindness and equity are qualities I strive for. I would hope to be treated with such.
Consciously grow trees, plants, domestic and wildlife all contributes to a healthy environment. The wholesale slaughter of them only contributes to the degradation of our planets CO2 levels, health, air, water and natural resources.
So, to all the neighbors that surround the leaseholders of Cohocton, I say, use less meat products, plant trees, rise up and protest the CROPPING of Industrial Wind Turbines. Vote for change this fall in Cohocton, try to buy organically raised crops and animals and then we can say we are GOOD STEWARDS of the LAND.
Cohocton Planning Board "Special Meeting" for Monday April 16, 2007 CANCELLED
The Cohocton Town Clerk called to inform that the "Special Meeting" of the Cohocton Planning Board on the UPC industrial wind turbines for Dutch Hill is cancelled.
Call the Town Clerk (585) 384-5330 for new date, place and time.
Call the Town Clerk (585) 384-5330 for new date, place and time.
Noise Problem? We Can Help

We have a library of resources, experience assisting individuals and groups opposed to noise pollution, and access to sound level monitoring equipment that individuals often do not have. We will assist with testimony and comments presented to planning commissions, zoning boards, city councils, and judges. We can also get you in touch with experts in the field and others working on similar projects in your local area or nationally. Contact us using our web form, call us toll free at 1-888-200-8332, or write to us at The Noise Pollution Clearinghouse, P.O. Box 1137, Montpelier, VT 05601-1137.
Night noise guidelines
The WHO European Centre for Environmental and Health - Bonn Office is developing Guidelines for night time noise (NNGL). This is a project in partnership with the European Commission Directorate General Health and Consumer Protection (DG Sanco) and several Member States.
The project aims at developing guidelines for night time noise exposure. This project will review the evidence of night time noise effects on health, and estimate the magnitude of the associated health risks.
Project Partners
The project has 17 partners from 12 European Countries:
(Click to read entire notice)
The project aims at developing guidelines for night time noise exposure. This project will review the evidence of night time noise effects on health, and estimate the magnitude of the associated health risks.
Project Partners
The project has 17 partners from 12 European Countries:
(Click to read entire notice)
Wind turbines 'not reliable' by Tom McGhie
Suppliers of electricity from wind turbines are highly erratic and cast doubts on their reliability as a source of power, official figures reveal.
Just weeks before the Government publishes its energy review White Paper, a research paper by National Grid shows that on some days, even in winter, wind turbines are virtually motionless.
The Government is said to want wind power to supply 20% of energy needs from 2020. Advocates argue that the UK is the world's windiest advanced nation.
But, according to the National Grid, in the period between October 2006 and February 2007 there were 17 days when output from the existing 1,632 windmills was less than ten per cent of capacity.
(Click to read entire article)
Just weeks before the Government publishes its energy review White Paper, a research paper by National Grid shows that on some days, even in winter, wind turbines are virtually motionless.
The Government is said to want wind power to supply 20% of energy needs from 2020. Advocates argue that the UK is the world's windiest advanced nation.
But, according to the National Grid, in the period between October 2006 and February 2007 there were 17 days when output from the existing 1,632 windmills was less than ten per cent of capacity.
(Click to read entire article)
Wind turbines 'are ruining our quality of life' by Martin Beckford
The majority of people living near wind turbines believe that the noise they make is ruining their health and quality of life, a report has revealed.
Neighbours also claim that the constant hum and the loud "whooshing" sound made by the blades in high winds is destroying the value of their homes.
A survey of people whose homes are situated within 1.2 miles of turbines has shown that three-quarters of them feel that the noise has damaged their quality of life while four out of five say it has affected their health.
advertisementThose who said they were made ill by the sound of the wind farms, which are designed to benefit the environment, described conditions ranging from migraines and palpitations to depression.
(Click to read entire article)
Neighbours also claim that the constant hum and the loud "whooshing" sound made by the blades in high winds is destroying the value of their homes.
A survey of people whose homes are situated within 1.2 miles of turbines has shown that three-quarters of them feel that the noise has damaged their quality of life while four out of five say it has affected their health.
advertisementThose who said they were made ill by the sound of the wind farms, which are designed to benefit the environment, described conditions ranging from migraines and palpitations to depression.
(Click to read entire article)
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Symposium on Energy in the 21st Century
April 20, 2007
Seating is limited for this FREE Symposium. REGISTER ONLINE by April 6, 2007
Interested in supporting the Symposium or being a patron? View sponsorship opportunities.
View Directions to the Symposium - Cazenovia College Athletic ComplexATTENDEES: DOWNLOAD PARKING PASS, PARKING INFORMATION and CAMPUS MAP!
Lodging Information.... Would you like to find out what rooms are available in the area? Contact Madison County Tourism at 1-800-684-7320 or visit the Madison County Tourism Web site.
For more information, contact Dr. Rhea Jezer, Cazenovia College, at 315-727-0123 THANK YOU TO THE SPONSORS OF THIS YEAR'S SYMPOSIUM
Seating is limited for this FREE Symposium. REGISTER ONLINE by April 6, 2007
Interested in supporting the Symposium or being a patron? View sponsorship opportunities.
View Directions to the Symposium - Cazenovia College Athletic ComplexATTENDEES: DOWNLOAD PARKING PASS, PARKING INFORMATION and CAMPUS MAP!
Lodging Information.... Would you like to find out what rooms are available in the area? Contact Madison County Tourism at 1-800-684-7320 or visit the Madison County Tourism Web site.
For more information, contact Dr. Rhea Jezer, Cazenovia College, at 315-727-0123 THANK YOU TO THE SPONSORS OF THIS YEAR'S SYMPOSIUM
FMCE: Public Input - City sale of Hemlock/Canadice 4/17/07 7pm
FMCE Members & Friends,
The City has been getting appraisals for the potential sale of the landsaround Hemlock and Canadice. There may be a specific buyer interested -we're not sure.
Public comment can be heard at the City Council meeting Tuesday 4/17/20077:00pm.It may be our last opportunity to protect these lakes.
To speak, you need to sign up by calling the City Clerk at 428-7421 (limit-3 minutes)
Please forward this to others who care about Hemlock and Canadice.
Please remember we have FMCE meeting Monday 4/23/2007. 7:15 Businessmeeting. 8:00-ish Protecting the Great Lakes presentation. Directions on the"Meetings" page at www.fmce.org
ps: Email SAL423@rochester.rr.com to be added or removed from the FMCE list.
The City has been getting appraisals for the potential sale of the landsaround Hemlock and Canadice. There may be a specific buyer interested -we're not sure.
Public comment can be heard at the City Council meeting Tuesday 4/17/20077:00pm.It may be our last opportunity to protect these lakes.
To speak, you need to sign up by calling the City Clerk at 428-7421 (limit-3 minutes)
Please forward this to others who care about Hemlock and Canadice.
Please remember we have FMCE meeting Monday 4/23/2007. 7:15 Businessmeeting. 8:00-ish Protecting the Great Lakes presentation. Directions on the"Meetings" page at www.fmce.org
ps: Email SAL423@rochester.rr.com to be added or removed from the FMCE list.
The Steuben County IDA is working on various economic development projects throughout the county offering sales tax abatement, mortgage tax abatement and Payment-in-Lieu-of Taxes. The IDA is a liaison with other agencies such as Southern Tier Central Regional Planning and Development Board, Regional Economic Development & Energy Corp., and Three Rivers Development Corp. It is a conduit for loans and Federal and State grants. It assists many projects in the site selection process.
The accomplishments of the agency are as follows;
• Facilitated the acquisition of property for a bio mass generating facility in the Town of Avoca. Offering financial assistance for this 20 MW wood fired power plant and associated fuel storage
• Acting as Lead Agency in the SEQR process for the Clipper Windpower project located in the Town of Hornby and Town of Orange (Schuyler County).
• Working closely with other area development companies on the Southeast Steuben Success website which will identify sites that are available for development which started in the southeast corner of Steuben County and added the entire County.
• Acting as Lead Agency in the SEQR process for the UPC Wind Management, LLC Windfarm Prattsburgh project. Working closely with LaBella Associates on this $100,000,000 windfarm project. Have completed the Final Environmental Impact Statement for this project.
• Authorized financial assistance to Corning Property Management Corp. for a heat and power plant upgrade for the Corning Museum of Glass.
• Acting as Lead Agency in the SEQR process for the Airtricity Windfarm project in the Town of Hartsville. Final Scope is completed for this $120,000,000 project.
• Induced the UPC Wind Management, LLC Windfarm project in the Town of Cohocton. The Town of Cohocton is acting as Lead Agency in the SEQR process for this project.
• Acting as Lead Agency in the SEQR process for the 60 MW Windfarm project in the Town of Howard being proposed by Everpower Renewables.
• Provided bond financing for a 75 unit multi-family project. This project is 30+ years old and is being renovated and preserved as affordable housing with Federal Tax Credits being allocated by New York State.
• Provided financial assistance to T & K Realty LLC in the form of sales tax exemption, mortgage tax exemption and PILOT agreement for their project. The property will house Birnie
Transportation Services, Inc. which services the district’s school buses.
• Assisted Wyckoff Gas Storage facility in the Town of Jasper project. This is a 31 million project that will utilize a depleted gas field by injecting gas into the caverns that are already in
• Assisted Automated Cells & Equipment, an existing project, with an addition to their facility.
• Assisting Corning Property Management Corp. with their $170.8 million renovation of the Sullivan Park Development Building. This is to upgrade their 1960 facility which is at the end of its life cycle.
• Bell Independent Power
• Clipper Windpower
• Smart Systems
• UPC Wind Management, LLC – Windfarm Prattsburgh
• Corning Property Management Heat & Power plant upgrade
• Airtricity
• UPC Wind Management, LLC – Cohocton project
• Howard Wind LLC
• Village Square Apartments
• Automated Cells & Equipment
• T & K Realty LLC
• Wyckoff Gas Storage Project
• Corning Sullivan Park Development Building
Property held by the Steuben County Industrial Development Agency at the end of 2006 was 99 acres in the Steuben County Industrial Park, Route 54 & County Route 113, Town of Bath. The estimated FMV of this property is Four hundred ninety-five thousand dollars ($495,000).
No property was disposed on in the year 2006.
The internal control structure of the agency effective in that all checks are required to have a voucher and to have two signatures. The vouchers are numbered. Checks that are under $2,500 are signed by the Treasurer and the Executive Director. Checks that are over $2,500 are signed by the Treasurer and either the Chairman or Vice Chairman of the Agency. All checks are reviewed monthly by the Chairman or the Vice Chairman.
An independent audit is performed annually.
The members of the board (the “Board”) of the Steuben County Industrial Development Agency (the “Agency”), a duly established public benefit corporation of the State of New York (the “State”), along with the officers and staff of the Agency, shall comply with and adhere to the provisions of Article 18 of the General Municipal Law of the State.
Further, no director, officer, or employee of the Agency shall (1) accept other employment which will impair his or her independence of judgment in the exercise of his or her official duties; (2) accept employment or engage in any business or professional activity which will require him or her to disclose confidential information which he or she has gained by reason of his or her official position of authority; (3) disclose confidential information acquired by him or her in the course of his or her official duties nor use such information to further his or her personal interests; (4) use or attempt to use his or her official position to secure unwarranted privileges or exemptions for himself, herself or others; (5) engage in any transaction as a representative or agent of Agency with any business entity in which he or she has a direct or indirect financial interest that might reasonably tend to conflict with proper discharge of his or her official duties; (6) not, by his or her conduct, give reasonable basis for the impression that any person can improperly influence him or her or unduly enjoy his or her favor in the performance of his or her official duties, or that he or she is affected by the kinship, rank, position or influence of any party or person; (7) abstain from making personal investments in enterprises which he or she has reason to believe may be directly involved in decisions to be made by him or her or which will otherwise create substantial conflict between his or her duty in the public interest and his or her private interest; and (8) endeavor to pursue a course of conduct which will not raise suspicion among the public that he or she is likely to be engaged in acts that are in violation of his or her trust.
Approved and adopted this 27th day of April 2006
The accomplishments of the agency are as follows;
• Facilitated the acquisition of property for a bio mass generating facility in the Town of Avoca. Offering financial assistance for this 20 MW wood fired power plant and associated fuel storage
• Acting as Lead Agency in the SEQR process for the Clipper Windpower project located in the Town of Hornby and Town of Orange (Schuyler County).
• Working closely with other area development companies on the Southeast Steuben Success website which will identify sites that are available for development which started in the southeast corner of Steuben County and added the entire County.
• Acting as Lead Agency in the SEQR process for the UPC Wind Management, LLC Windfarm Prattsburgh project. Working closely with LaBella Associates on this $100,000,000 windfarm project. Have completed the Final Environmental Impact Statement for this project.
• Authorized financial assistance to Corning Property Management Corp. for a heat and power plant upgrade for the Corning Museum of Glass.
• Acting as Lead Agency in the SEQR process for the Airtricity Windfarm project in the Town of Hartsville. Final Scope is completed for this $120,000,000 project.
• Induced the UPC Wind Management, LLC Windfarm project in the Town of Cohocton. The Town of Cohocton is acting as Lead Agency in the SEQR process for this project.
• Acting as Lead Agency in the SEQR process for the 60 MW Windfarm project in the Town of Howard being proposed by Everpower Renewables.
• Provided bond financing for a 75 unit multi-family project. This project is 30+ years old and is being renovated and preserved as affordable housing with Federal Tax Credits being allocated by New York State.
• Provided financial assistance to T & K Realty LLC in the form of sales tax exemption, mortgage tax exemption and PILOT agreement for their project. The property will house Birnie
Transportation Services, Inc. which services the district’s school buses.
• Assisted Wyckoff Gas Storage facility in the Town of Jasper project. This is a 31 million project that will utilize a depleted gas field by injecting gas into the caverns that are already in
• Assisted Automated Cells & Equipment, an existing project, with an addition to their facility.
• Assisting Corning Property Management Corp. with their $170.8 million renovation of the Sullivan Park Development Building. This is to upgrade their 1960 facility which is at the end of its life cycle.
• Bell Independent Power
• Clipper Windpower
• Smart Systems
• UPC Wind Management, LLC – Windfarm Prattsburgh
• Corning Property Management Heat & Power plant upgrade
• Airtricity
• UPC Wind Management, LLC – Cohocton project
• Howard Wind LLC
• Village Square Apartments
• Automated Cells & Equipment
• T & K Realty LLC
• Wyckoff Gas Storage Project
• Corning Sullivan Park Development Building
Property held by the Steuben County Industrial Development Agency at the end of 2006 was 99 acres in the Steuben County Industrial Park, Route 54 & County Route 113, Town of Bath. The estimated FMV of this property is Four hundred ninety-five thousand dollars ($495,000).
No property was disposed on in the year 2006.
The internal control structure of the agency effective in that all checks are required to have a voucher and to have two signatures. The vouchers are numbered. Checks that are under $2,500 are signed by the Treasurer and the Executive Director. Checks that are over $2,500 are signed by the Treasurer and either the Chairman or Vice Chairman of the Agency. All checks are reviewed monthly by the Chairman or the Vice Chairman.
An independent audit is performed annually.
The members of the board (the “Board”) of the Steuben County Industrial Development Agency (the “Agency”), a duly established public benefit corporation of the State of New York (the “State”), along with the officers and staff of the Agency, shall comply with and adhere to the provisions of Article 18 of the General Municipal Law of the State.
Further, no director, officer, or employee of the Agency shall (1) accept other employment which will impair his or her independence of judgment in the exercise of his or her official duties; (2) accept employment or engage in any business or professional activity which will require him or her to disclose confidential information which he or she has gained by reason of his or her official position of authority; (3) disclose confidential information acquired by him or her in the course of his or her official duties nor use such information to further his or her personal interests; (4) use or attempt to use his or her official position to secure unwarranted privileges or exemptions for himself, herself or others; (5) engage in any transaction as a representative or agent of Agency with any business entity in which he or she has a direct or indirect financial interest that might reasonably tend to conflict with proper discharge of his or her official duties; (6) not, by his or her conduct, give reasonable basis for the impression that any person can improperly influence him or her or unduly enjoy his or her favor in the performance of his or her official duties, or that he or she is affected by the kinship, rank, position or influence of any party or person; (7) abstain from making personal investments in enterprises which he or she has reason to believe may be directly involved in decisions to be made by him or her or which will otherwise create substantial conflict between his or her duty in the public interest and his or her private interest; and (8) endeavor to pursue a course of conduct which will not raise suspicion among the public that he or she is likely to be engaged in acts that are in violation of his or her trust.
Approved and adopted this 27th day of April 2006
Friday, April 13, 2007
IT JUST HAS TO BE SAID by Bob Strasburg
Proverbs 12 (New International Version)
11 He who works his land will have abundant food, but he who chases fantasies lacks judgment.
12 The wicked desire the plunder of evil men, but the root of the righteous flourishes. Our nation was founded on Judeo-Christian ethics and values. One only has to read the founding documents of our Country and truth is continually represented as being truth, by referencing the scriptures. America’s ills can easily be defined as the fruit of variance from these truths and principles.
I have presented two verses above for your consideration. Verse 11 of Proverbs 12 announces that the end result of work will be provision and goes on to say that chasing fantasies (illusions) is representative of foolishness. The leaseholders want the rest of Cohocton to accept the negative and dangerous impacts of industrial wind turbines overflowing on our land so they can get a check from developers.
Work, at a desperate fervor is and has been done to propagate the fantasy (illusion) that life will be just wonderful living around these supposed magnificent monuments testifying of the supposed wisdom of man. Full backing has been offered by leaseholders joining in with the efforts of the developer to convince Cohocton residents toward this project.
Now I would ask you to look at verse 12. It represents that wicked people desire the “plunder” of evil men. As you know, plunder is “something taken by force or theft”. Here is where ethics, or lack thereof, come in to play. If a wind power developer operating in America is a willing participant of a scandal that bilks American taxpayers of Billions of tax dollars in the name of green energy that is neither green nor beneficial, when compared to its cost, actual production and other more cost effective choices, and a leaseholder accepts a bribe or “lease payment” from the developer to be part of this scandal, is he or she (the leaseholder) defined by God to be wicked as in verse 12? What is the penalty of being wicked?
On the same line, if the government of a Town weakens in fear from the challenges it faces, does that justify it to share in the plunder of evil men? Does the lack of proper government planning justify such action? Without a doubt, government officials that hold that mentality deserve to be voted out and replaced with competent, ethical leaders that will reform to the standards and ideas that have proven to produce stability. Cohocton does not have to wait and see the choices of our Town government leaders, their actions are self evident. Are you registered to vote in Cohocton?
Now, five times I have publicly asked those who support this Cohocton wind project to come out in public and debate me on the very points you propagate by voice and print and none of you have taken my challenge. You know, all of you, that I will defeat you in public. I will expose you to your neighbors and consume your propaganda like heat does butter and the end result will be your shame. Again, I ask you to search amongst your ranks and see if there is even one of you with courage enough that will publicly debate me on the subject: Is this wind project, as proposed, good for Cohocton? I tire of deceptive cowards.
Robert C. Strasburg II
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Do you support wind turbines in the GLOW Region?
Visit, register and take the wind turbine poll. http://www.glowregion.com/
Answers blowing in the wind?
Contrary to popular belief — promoted by well-funded industrial wind turbine facility developers — wind turbines do not reduce the need for fossil fuel powered electric generators and do not reduce the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere.
Even at sites known for their breeze, wind is intermittent, variable and undependable. As a result, utility companies must rely on dependable power sources, usually powered by fossil fuel.
Electricity supply must be dependable. No one wants to turn on a light switch and have nothing happen because the wind does not happen to be spinning the wind turbines at that moment. Therefore the bulk of a utility's electric power must come from large generators, powered by coal, nuclear, gas, or water. To make up for the high variability of wind turbines, other generators that can be started quickly must be on standby, able to be brought on line quickly when the wind dies. These standby generators are most often powered by natural gas or coal.
A recent study found that "the wind-based portfolio results in little reduction, if any, in the need for fossil fuels."
Most electricity in the U.S. is fueled by coal or natural gas. Only 3% of all oil consumed in the U.S. is used for generating electricity. 68% is consumed in the transportation industry. Building wind farms "Does Not" reduce dependence on foreign oil.
(Click to read entire article)
Even at sites known for their breeze, wind is intermittent, variable and undependable. As a result, utility companies must rely on dependable power sources, usually powered by fossil fuel.
Electricity supply must be dependable. No one wants to turn on a light switch and have nothing happen because the wind does not happen to be spinning the wind turbines at that moment. Therefore the bulk of a utility's electric power must come from large generators, powered by coal, nuclear, gas, or water. To make up for the high variability of wind turbines, other generators that can be started quickly must be on standby, able to be brought on line quickly when the wind dies. These standby generators are most often powered by natural gas or coal.
A recent study found that "the wind-based portfolio results in little reduction, if any, in the need for fossil fuels."
Most electricity in the U.S. is fueled by coal or natural gas. Only 3% of all oil consumed in the U.S. is used for generating electricity. 68% is consumed in the transportation industry. Building wind farms "Does Not" reduce dependence on foreign oil.
(Click to read entire article)
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Progress? At whose expense? Could be yours! by Lois Ann Zendarski
Are you a property owner in the Southern Tier? Do you enjoy a summer home, recreational property, fishing, hunting or just like to get away from it all? Your country abode may be threatened by projects that directly affect your country peace and solitude.
The towns of Eagle, Centerville and Farmersville are being eyed for 200 of the 400-feet high-wind turbines. Ridge tops will be clear cut and access roads built. Scenic vistas will be obliterated by the industrial-sized machines, making the “Enchanted Mountains of Cattaraugus County” a thing of the past.
Some landowners have already negotiated agreements.
We are all in agreement that as a society, we need to explore greener energy choices, but should this be at the expense of the residents and visitors to our area? The best way to help the environment is to conserve, not build industrial wind farms to perpetuate energy greed!
Who really benefits from this supposed “green energy” — energy at the expense of those in the Southern Tier. The energy produced by large wind farms is taken via transmission lines to large metropolitan areas with huge energy needs. Progress towards greener energy? At whose expense? Yours.
Large turbines are associated with shadow flicker known to cause both migraines and seizures. Additionally, ice buildup can dislodge and be thrown hundreds if not thousands of feet. Will your hunting cabin or summer home be in harm’s way. Noise from the wind turbines is yet another problem. The World Health Organization states that 30 decibels can cause steep disturbances and accompanying health problems. Those for our region are rated at 45 to 50 decibels in a 30 mph wind velocity. The wind velocity is frequently higher in this area. What noise level will you be subjected to during your weekend stay?
Setbacks- discussed at local town board meetings are not strict enough to eliminate concerns of shadow flicker, ice throw or noise.
If you own or enjoy property in these areas, make every attempt to attend local town board meetings and let your taxpaying voice be heard test you find a wind turbine in your back yard! The next public hearing will be at 7 p.m. April 19 at Farmersvitte Town Hatt.
The towns of Eagle, Centerville and Farmersville are being eyed for 200 of the 400-feet high-wind turbines. Ridge tops will be clear cut and access roads built. Scenic vistas will be obliterated by the industrial-sized machines, making the “Enchanted Mountains of Cattaraugus County” a thing of the past.
Some landowners have already negotiated agreements.
We are all in agreement that as a society, we need to explore greener energy choices, but should this be at the expense of the residents and visitors to our area? The best way to help the environment is to conserve, not build industrial wind farms to perpetuate energy greed!
Who really benefits from this supposed “green energy” — energy at the expense of those in the Southern Tier. The energy produced by large wind farms is taken via transmission lines to large metropolitan areas with huge energy needs. Progress towards greener energy? At whose expense? Yours.
Large turbines are associated with shadow flicker known to cause both migraines and seizures. Additionally, ice buildup can dislodge and be thrown hundreds if not thousands of feet. Will your hunting cabin or summer home be in harm’s way. Noise from the wind turbines is yet another problem. The World Health Organization states that 30 decibels can cause steep disturbances and accompanying health problems. Those for our region are rated at 45 to 50 decibels in a 30 mph wind velocity. The wind velocity is frequently higher in this area. What noise level will you be subjected to during your weekend stay?
Setbacks- discussed at local town board meetings are not strict enough to eliminate concerns of shadow flicker, ice throw or noise.
If you own or enjoy property in these areas, make every attempt to attend local town board meetings and let your taxpaying voice be heard test you find a wind turbine in your back yard! The next public hearing will be at 7 p.m. April 19 at Farmersvitte Town Hatt.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Floating Wind Turbines Won't Hurt Birds

Tethered to the ground by its own energy-transmission system, the M.A.R.S. Wind Power Anywhere generator (Not to be confused with 1980s recording act M.A.R.R.S.) is a helium-lofted wind turbine able to produce 4 kw of energy by virtue of the high altitudes so accessed.
Future models will provide enough to power a small city. I admit that this is one of those fluffy phrases that tends to get plopped into stories about power generation, and submit that it's high time the IEEE, who whoever is responsible, got its act together made ETPASC ("enough to power a small city") Units the official international measure of generative capacity.
The creator, Magenn, know its competition, too, describing standard wind turbines as "large fast-moving blades slicing through the air," chopping birds to pieces in a phantasmagorical feast of blood.
Protecting Kansas’ Tallgrass Prairie and Flint Hills from “Wind Farm” Predators
Friends in Kansas have been fighting for the past 5 years to protect the world’s last Tallgrass prairie ecosystem in the Flint Hills of Kansas from predators.
The predators in this case are a bunch of US and foreign “wind farm” developers and lobbyists — who gain cooperation from receptive legislators, regulators and other government officials — plus some electric utility executives who don’t have the fortitude to tell political leaders the truth about the real environmental, ecological, economic, scenic and property value costs of wind energy.
If you’d like to see what the good people in Kansas are trying to protect, look at the April 2007 issue of National Geographic which features a collection of photographs from the Tallgrass prairie by renown photographer Jim Richardson — or go to this web site and click on the large prairie picture. Then click on slide show. You will also find a link to the National Geographic story as well as lots of other Richardson photos on the side bar.
Please enjoy the show! (Thanks to Rose Bacon for providing the link!)
Glenn Schleede
Friends in Kansas have been fighting for the past 5 years to protect the world’s last Tallgrass prairie ecosystem in the Flint Hills of Kansas from predators.
The predators in this case are a bunch of US and foreign “wind farm” developers and lobbyists — who gain cooperation from receptive legislators, regulators and other government officials — plus some electric utility executives who don’t have the fortitude to tell political leaders the truth about the real environmental, ecological, economic, scenic and property value costs of wind energy.
If you’d like to see what the good people in Kansas are trying to protect, look at the April 2007 issue of National Geographic which features a collection of photographs from the Tallgrass prairie by renown photographer Jim Richardson — or go to this web site and click on the large prairie picture. Then click on slide show. You will also find a link to the National Geographic story as well as lots of other Richardson photos on the side bar.
Please enjoy the show! (Thanks to Rose Bacon for providing the link!)
Glenn Schleede
UPC Wind Selects APX for Power Scheduling Services
APX, Inc., a leading provider of technology, operations and professional services for the energy and environmental markets, announced today that UPC Wind has selected APX to provide scheduling services to support sales of electric output from its 42 MW Mars Hill wind project in the Northern Maine Independent System Administrator (NMISA) control area.
(Click to read entire article)
(Click to read entire article)
Benji Carr's remarks to the Cohocton Planning Board - April 2, 2007
I moved onto Deusenbery rd. 20 years ago, Sept 1987. Actually I was looking for a place on the end of a dead end rd. My last two locations were in the town of Naples and the blacksmithing noises proved too much for a small community atmosphere. Another reason to locate myself remotely was to avoid traffic, industry, and housing developments. I really enjoy my morning exercise with the dogs to the top of Lent hill. There one can see horizon in all directions. This is such a picturesque and seemingly unscathed area here in the Finger Lakes, and we need to preserve our home frontier with carefully weighed thoughts and plans, but also employing new science, common sense, and wisdom to the best of our ability.
The proposed wind turbine project is a flying leap into a black hole. The fat cats that are funding this project are hoping that we field mice take the leap, waving old glory and screaming "save the planet" as we plummet into the abyss of big business side effects, such as environmental impacts, fuzzy math efficiency ratings, human and wildlife ill effects, property devaluation, liability....the list is lengthening daily. Seems to me just this much vague knowledge should be enough to halt this project, but apparently the allure of the “dangling carrot" is just too much for mules with blinders on.
There was a gentleman who lived on Lent Hill, I think we would call him a statesman. He was a farmer, a school teacher, a banker; he had his hand in many community functions. He loved his countryside. His name was Leo Stanton. I just missed meeting him in person. He died just as I was moving in here. Folks who knew him tell me he was quite a treasure. If I did believe in a life after this one Leo's knuckles would be bloodied from pounding at the lid of his coffin saying "let me out of here, someone is trying to profit from the desecration of my homeland!" I con not imagine his reaction when he comes to find that one of those is his own daughter and her money grubbing counterpart.
If a leaseholder's slant is that he needs the proceeds to patch his hemorrhaging business then perhaps he should downsize his operation, diversify, and plant some new and different seeds so to speak. The tendrils of sustainable progress climb the pole slowly. There is no slap and dash miracle drug or an easy button to push that fixes a problem that concerns the entire community. Before the advent of the aforesaid "dangling carrot", life was typically Cohocton. Work hard for the family and livelihood, take a couple of days off to breath in the freedom of a stress less lifestyle with no suicide car bombs to hear about. Some kids may knock off the local grocery store but that kind of event is to be expected.
The planting of vegetation for the production of green diesel to wean ourselves off of the foreign oil nipple will be a far more intelligent effort than erecting 500 foot Trojan horses that render sweeping radii around themselves useless to development, and there is a laundry list of negative stuff that comes along with that approach. We also need to put in place a diverse planning board with open doors and open minds to help grow a community where people can live safely. There may be a place for boomtown industry to bilge its waste material excess but our planning board will not exercise such thunder headed judgment. Sure we can name some groups that hold secret meetings. When I was a boy my friends and I built a tree fort, secret meetings, no girls allowed! There's the KKK, they have secret meetings....Then there's al-Qaida, they have them too....but we don't want to be like those groups.
I'm really trying to find some positive points for this project to be considered but I am having a hard time doing that. We did not build the turbines...we are not getting any of the electricity...they are going to scare the wildlife right off the hill...they are going to create a strobe effect in my house...they create an unnatural grey noise that has to be dealt with...the excavation and blasting is more than likely going to leave the ground water worse than it already is...and when lightning strikes the turbine and the stray voltage fries my appliances the insurance company is going to say "sorry sir but you have a lightning rod in your front yard." ....So what is the up side? The lease holders get their pockets lined and the rest of us just have to suck it up?...What happens when there is damage or injury or death caused by the turbines? Looks like the fat cats have their butts covered with fine print. That leaves our little town liable! If you think Cohocton is a ghost town now, I disagree.
In summary:
If we were so foolish as to squander our young people's future by investing in this kind of capitalist worship, Cohocton will be no more than place where a truck driver can sling out his excrement jug on the way to 390.
But we who are concerned are not going to let it get that far. If need be the forces of litigation will find that this half baked plan has found it's way before our chair persons by illicit means.
Then shortly following that we will see our used-to-be board members strolling along 390... In orange suits... picking up litter.
Benji Carr
The proposed wind turbine project is a flying leap into a black hole. The fat cats that are funding this project are hoping that we field mice take the leap, waving old glory and screaming "save the planet" as we plummet into the abyss of big business side effects, such as environmental impacts, fuzzy math efficiency ratings, human and wildlife ill effects, property devaluation, liability....the list is lengthening daily. Seems to me just this much vague knowledge should be enough to halt this project, but apparently the allure of the “dangling carrot" is just too much for mules with blinders on.
There was a gentleman who lived on Lent Hill, I think we would call him a statesman. He was a farmer, a school teacher, a banker; he had his hand in many community functions. He loved his countryside. His name was Leo Stanton. I just missed meeting him in person. He died just as I was moving in here. Folks who knew him tell me he was quite a treasure. If I did believe in a life after this one Leo's knuckles would be bloodied from pounding at the lid of his coffin saying "let me out of here, someone is trying to profit from the desecration of my homeland!" I con not imagine his reaction when he comes to find that one of those is his own daughter and her money grubbing counterpart.
If a leaseholder's slant is that he needs the proceeds to patch his hemorrhaging business then perhaps he should downsize his operation, diversify, and plant some new and different seeds so to speak. The tendrils of sustainable progress climb the pole slowly. There is no slap and dash miracle drug or an easy button to push that fixes a problem that concerns the entire community. Before the advent of the aforesaid "dangling carrot", life was typically Cohocton. Work hard for the family and livelihood, take a couple of days off to breath in the freedom of a stress less lifestyle with no suicide car bombs to hear about. Some kids may knock off the local grocery store but that kind of event is to be expected.
The planting of vegetation for the production of green diesel to wean ourselves off of the foreign oil nipple will be a far more intelligent effort than erecting 500 foot Trojan horses that render sweeping radii around themselves useless to development, and there is a laundry list of negative stuff that comes along with that approach. We also need to put in place a diverse planning board with open doors and open minds to help grow a community where people can live safely. There may be a place for boomtown industry to bilge its waste material excess but our planning board will not exercise such thunder headed judgment. Sure we can name some groups that hold secret meetings. When I was a boy my friends and I built a tree fort, secret meetings, no girls allowed! There's the KKK, they have secret meetings....Then there's al-Qaida, they have them too....but we don't want to be like those groups.
I'm really trying to find some positive points for this project to be considered but I am having a hard time doing that. We did not build the turbines...we are not getting any of the electricity...they are going to scare the wildlife right off the hill...they are going to create a strobe effect in my house...they create an unnatural grey noise that has to be dealt with...the excavation and blasting is more than likely going to leave the ground water worse than it already is...and when lightning strikes the turbine and the stray voltage fries my appliances the insurance company is going to say "sorry sir but you have a lightning rod in your front yard." ....So what is the up side? The lease holders get their pockets lined and the rest of us just have to suck it up?...What happens when there is damage or injury or death caused by the turbines? Looks like the fat cats have their butts covered with fine print. That leaves our little town liable! If you think Cohocton is a ghost town now, I disagree.
In summary:
If we were so foolish as to squander our young people's future by investing in this kind of capitalist worship, Cohocton will be no more than place where a truck driver can sling out his excrement jug on the way to 390.
But we who are concerned are not going to let it get that far. If need be the forces of litigation will find that this half baked plan has found it's way before our chair persons by illicit means.
Then shortly following that we will see our used-to-be board members strolling along 390... In orange suits... picking up litter.
Benji Carr
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