Friday, October 06, 2006

Advocates for Prattsburgh update on their Article 78 against SCIDA

Yesterday our lawyer, Glen Pezzulo, made the oral arguments for the Article 78 in court. There will be a decision in about one month.

From the feedback I have received it sounds as though our lawyer was able to make a pretty good showing. It sounds like their lawyers were not nearly as prepared. However, anything can happen.

We should win for the following reasons:

1. We worked tirelessly to present the information initially and then we nearly killed ourselves to help the lawyer make a written rebuttal to their rebuttal.

2. We are right and we have piles of documents to prove it.

So now all we can do is wait. I have a file folder marked "New" in which I am filing all new information so that when Global comes out with their Final EIS, I will be able to respond with new information. Every other day I get new information about accidents, health and safety and wildlife.

Every day I get new information about another town that is fighting back -- another area of the world that is saying that the turbines aren't working.

So those of you who believe in the power of positive thinking, please focus hard in this next month.

I hope to find other things to do with my time while I am waiting.


Ruth Matilsky

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